searchbbox: Query The Interwebs For A Bounding Box

View source: R/bboxtools.R

searchbboxR Documentation

Query The Interwebs For A Bounding Box


Use the API or Google API to retreive a bounding box for the given query. Note that if you would like to use google as a source, you must agree to the Google API terms and conditions.


searchbbox(querystring, ...)



The search query. Passing a vector in will find the bounding box that contains all bounding boxes returned.


Additional paramters to be passed on to geocode. Passing source="google" may be useful if google is desired as a source. Use options(prettymapr.geosource="google") to permanently use google as a source.


A 2x2 matrix describing a bounding box like that returned by sp::bbox()


#don't test to speed up checking time

searchbbox("kings county, NS")
searchbbox("University Ave. Wolfville NS", source="google")
searchbbox("Wolfville ns", source="google")
searchbbox(c("Vermont", "Nova Scotia"))

prettymapr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:38 a.m.