Man pages for priceR
Economics and Pricing Tools

adjust_for_inflationConvert nominal prices into real prices
append_exchangeratehost_access_keyRetrieves (forex) API key from R...
convert_currenciesConvert Currencies
convert_to_iso2CodeConvert any country input into its iso2Code
country_input_typeDetermines whether country input is a country name or...
currenciesRetrieve available currencies and their respective...
currency_charactersProvide currency characters
currency_infoInformation for each of 191 currencies
currency_to_numericConvert human readable currencies into numeric data
display_api_infoDisplay link to further information
exchange_rate_latestRetrieve the latest exchange rates between the provided...
extract_salaryExtract numeric salary from text data
format_currencyMake numeric currency values human readable
format_dollarsMake numeric currency values human readable
from_to_dates_ratesWrapper around 'priceR::historical_exchange_rates()' with...
historical_exchange_ratesRetrieve historical exchange rates
make_datesCreates date ranges so as to batch up large API calls into...
pminmaxRemoves redundant API calls of currency pairs. That is,...
retrieve_historical_ratesRetrieve historical exchange rates
retrieve_inflation_dataRetrieve historical inflation data
round_down_to_nearestRound prices down to the nearest specified increment
round_to_nearestRound prices to the nearest specified increment
round_up_to_nearestRound prices up to the nearest specified increment
show_countriesShow available country codes
url_all_resultsGenerate a World Bank API URL that will return all results...
priceR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7 p.m.