Man pages for productplots
Product Plots for R

col_labelsCalculate column labels.
colour_levelFor ggplot2: colour by weight.
colour_weightFor ggplot2: colour by weight.
ddeckerTemplate for a double decker plot. A double decker plot is...
find_col_levelFind the first level which has columns.
find_row_levelFind the first level which has rows.
fluctFluctation partitioning.
fluctsTemplate for a fluctuation diagram.
happyData related to happiness from the general social survey.
hbarHorizontal bar partition: width constant, height varies.
hspineHorizontal spine partition: height constant, width varies.
mosaicTemplate for a mosaic plot. A mosaic plot is composed of...
nestedTemplate for a nested barchart. A nested bar is just a...
parse_product_formulaParse product formula into component pieces
prodcalcCalculate frequencies.
prodplotCreate a product plot
row_labelsCalculate row labels.
scale_x_productGenerate an x-scale for ggplot2 graphics.
scale_y_productGenerate a y-scale for ggplot2 graphics.
spineSpine partition: divide longest dimesion.
stackedTemplate for a stacked bar chart. A stacked bar chart starts...
tileTree map partitioning.
vbarVertical bar partition: height constant, width varies.
vspineVertical spine partition: width constant, height varies.
productplots documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:17 a.m.