Man pages for profExtrema
Compute and Visualize Profile Extrema Functions

approxMaxMinApproximate coordinate profile functions
approxProfileExtremaApproximate profile extrema functions
bound_profilesBound for profile extrema quantiles
cleanProfileResultsClean a profile extrema object
coastal_floodingCoastal flooding as function of offshore forcing conditions.
coordinateProfilesCoordinate profiles starting from a kriging model
coordProf_UQCoordinate profiles UQ from a kriging model
getAllMaxMinCoordinate profile extrema with BFGS optimization
getChangePointsCoordinate profiles crossing points
getClosePointsFind close points
getMaxCoordinate profile sup function
getMaxMinMCCoordinate profile extrema with MC
getMinCoordinate profile inf function
getPointProportionObtain proportion of true observations in excursion set
getProfileExtremaProfile extrema with BFGS optimization
getProfileInf_optimGeneric profile inf function computation with optim
getProfileSup_optimGeneric profile sup function computation with optim
gradKm_dnewdataGradient of posterior mean and variance
grad_mean_Delta_TGradient of the mean function of difference process
grad_var_Delta_TGradient of the variance function of difference process
kGradSmoothFirst order approximation
mean_Delta_Tmean function of difference process
obliqueProfilesOblique coordinate profiles starting from a kriging model
obliqueProf_UQOblique profiles UQ from a kriging model
plotBivariateProfilesPlot bivariate profiles
plotMaxMinPlot coordinate profiles
plotOneBivProfilePlot bivariate profiles
plot_univariate_profiles_UQUnivariate profile extrema with UQ
profExtremaprofExtrema package
prof_mean_var_DeltaProfile extrema for the mean and variance functions of...
setPlotOptionsSet-up the plot options when NULL
var_Delta_TVariance function of difference process
profExtrema documentation built on March 22, 2020, 1:07 a.m.