Man pages for profoc
Probabilistic Forecast Combination Using CRPS Learning

autoplot.batchAutoplot method for batch models
autoplot.onlineAutoplot method for online models
batchProbabilistic Forecast Combination - Batch
conlineCreate an conline Object from the conline C++ Class
init_experts_listCreate experts list to be used in conline class
make_basis_matsCreate a List of Basis Matrices
make_hat_matsCreate a List of Hat Matrices
make_knotsCreate a vector of knots for splines
onlineProbabilistic Forecast Combination - Online
oracleProbabilistic Forecast Combination - Oracle
penaltyB-Spline penalty
plot.batchPlot method for batch models
plot.onlinePlot method for online models
post_process_modelPost Process Data from conline Class
predict.onlinePredict method for online models
print.batchPrint method for batch models
print.onlinePrint method for online models
profoc-packagePackage Info
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
splines2_basisCreate B-Spline basis
summary.onlineSummary method for online models the Experts' losses of an Online object the Experts' losses of an Online object the Predictions of an Online object the Weights of an Online object
update.onlineUpdate method for online models
profoc documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:20 a.m.