Man pages for projector
Project Dense Vectors Representation of Texts on a 2D Plan

center_coordinatesCenter coordinates around the pivot vector
get_annoy_modelBuild Annoy model
get_coordinatesCompute 2D coordinates of vectors
get_coordinates_pcaCompute 2D coordinates using PCA
get_coordinates_tsneCompute 2D coordinates using 'T-SNE'
get_neighborsRetrieve the most closest vector representation
interactive_embedding_explorationInteractive exploration of embeddings
load_annoy_modelLoad RcppAnnoy model
plot_textsPlot vectors on a 2D plan
retrieve_neighborsRetrieve a list of neighbor vectors
save_annoy_modelSave RcppAnnoy model
projector documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:42 a.m.