Man pages for protoshiny
Interactive Dendrograms for Visualizing Hierarchical Clusters with Prototypes

as.protoclustConvert a generic hclust object to a protoclust object.
branchGet an hclust object consisting of the branch with root given...
covid19Dataset covid19
dynGraphDynamic element of class "d3graph"
facesDataset faces
fixUploadedFilesNamesFix uploaded files are getting renamed
get_clustersExtract cluster labels
get_cut_from_merge_idGet clustering of leaves from merge_id
get_nodes_to_expand_infoGet the labels of each interior node
get_paths_from_cutGiven a clustering get the root-to-node paths for visible...
get_serverServer function
get_uiUI function
load_objLoad an object into a new environment
moviesDataset movies
protoclust_to_jsonConvert a protoclust object to a JSON tree
seaflowDataset seaflow
selectJSDynamic element of class "select_custom"
upperGet the upper cut of a protoclust object
visualize_hcRun a local instance of protoshiny
wordsDataset words
protoshiny documentation built on May 18, 2022, 5:13 p.m.