Man pages for proustr
Tools for Natural Language Processing in French

albertinedisparueMarcel Proust's novel "Albertine disparue"
alombredesjeunesfillesenfleursMarcel Proust's novel "<c3><80> l<e2><80><99>ombre des jeunes...
ducotedechezswannMarcel Proust's novel "Du c<c3><b4>t<c3><a9> de chez Swann"
laprisonniereMarcel Proust's novel "La Prisonni<c3><a8>re"
lecotedeguermantesMarcel Proust's novel "Le c<c3><b4>t<c3><a9> de Guermantes"
letempretrouveMarcel Proust's novel "Le temps retrouv<c3><a9>"
pr_detect_daysDetect french days
pr_detect_monthsDetect french months
pr_detect_proDetect French pronoums
pr_keep_only_alnumRemove non alnum elements
pr_normalize_puncNormalize punctuation
proust_booksTidy data frame of Marcel Proust's 7 novels from La Recherche
proust_charCharacters from "<c3><80> la recherche du temps perdu"
proust_charactersCharacters from Proust Books
proust_randomCreate a Random Proust extract
proust_sentimentsOld sentiment lexicon This function has been deprecated, and...
proust_stopwordsStop Words
pr_stem_sentencesStem a dataframe containing a column with sentences
pr_stem_wordsStem a dataframe containing a column with words
pr_unacentRemove accents
sodomeetgomorrheMarcel Proust's novel "Sodome et Gomorrhe"
proustr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:08 a.m.