Man pages for psSubpathway
Flexible Identification of Phenotype-Specific Subpathways

compute_rank_scorepsSubpathway internal functions
DCSADynamic Changed Subpathway Analysis (DCSA)
envDataThe variables in the environment include subpathway list...
FastSEAscorepsSubpathway internal functions
getgenedensitypsSubpathway internal functions
isPackageLoadedpsSubpathway internal functions
ks_test_mpsSubpathway internal functions
plotheatmapPlot a heatmap
plotSpwACmapPlot subpathway activity change map
plotSpwNetmapPolt a subpathway network map
plotSpwPSheatmapPlot subpathway phenotypic significant heat map
plotSubSEScurvePlot subtype set sample enrichment score curve graph
ReadClsFilepsSubpathway internal functions
rndWalkpsSubpathway internal functions
SEAscorepsSubpathway internal functions
ssgseapsSubpathway internal functions
SubSEASubtype Set Enrichment Analysis (SubSEA)
psSubpathway documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 5:09 p.m.