Man pages for pspline.inference
Estimation of Characteristics of Seasonal and Sporadic Infectious Disease Outbreaks Using Generalized Additive Modeling with Penalized Basis Splines

check.scalarsAssess whether scalar estimates fall within their intended...
confints.outcomesCalculate confidence intervals of model outcome variables
ecdf.outcomesReturn empirical CDF for model outcome variables
eval.modelEval model prediction with given model params at given...
observed.results.scalarsRun simulation study on one set of observations
pspline.confints.scalarsCalculates confidence intervals and medians for scalar...
pspline.confints.timeseriesCalculates confidence intervals for results of simulation...
pspline.estimate.scalarsCalculates confidence intervals for scalars estimated from...
pspline.estimate.timeseriesCalculates confidence intervals for time series sampled from...
pspline.inferenceInference using penalized basis splines (P-splines) in a...
pspline.outbreak.calc.cumcasesCalculate cumulative incidence time series from incidence...
pspline.outbreak.casesCalculate cumulative incidence for an outbreak
pspline.outbreak.cumcasesCalculate cumulative incidence for an outbreak
pspline.outbreak.cumcases.relativeCalculate relative incidence for an outbreak
pspline.outbreak.thresholdsCalculate outbreak thresholds for an outbreak
pspline.sample.scalarsRuns simulations on an outbreak GAM/GAMM for the purpose of...
pspline.sample.timeseriesRuns simulations on an outbreak GAM/GAMM for the purpose of...
pspline.validate.scalarsRun a simulation study to validate a scalar estimator
quantile.outcomesCalculate quantiles of model outcome variables
sample.paramsSample spline parameters
truth.results.scalarsRun simulation study on one truth
pspline.inference documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 5:07 p.m.