Man pages for psrwe
PS-Integrated Methods for Incorporating RWE in Clinical Studies

ex_dtaExample dataset Example dataset of a single arm study.
ex_dta_rctExample dataset Example dataset of a randomized study.
get_distanceDistance between two distributions
plot.PSRWE_DTAPlot PS distributions
plot.PSRWE_DTA_MATPlot PS distributions
plot.PSRWE_RSTPlot estimation results for power prior approach
print.PSRWE_BORPrint borrow information
print.PSRWE_DTAPrint PS estimation results
print.PSRWE_DTA_MATPrint PS estimation results
print.PSRWE_RSTPrint estimation results
print.PSRWE_RST_OUTANAPrint outcome analysis results
psrwe_borrowGet number of subjects borrowed from each statum
psrwe_ciConfidence/Credible Interval for PS-Integrated Estimation...
psrwe_complPS-Integrated Composite Likelihood Estimation
psrwe_estEstimate propensity scores
psrwe_inferInference for the PS-Integrated Estimation Inference for the...
psrwe_matchPS matching
psrwe_outanaOutcome Analysis for PS-Integrated Estimation Report outcome...
psrwe-packagePS-Integrated Methods for Incorporating RWE in Clinical...
psrwe_powerpGet posterior samples based on PS-power prior approach
psrwe_survkmPS-Integrated Kaplan-Meier Estimation
rwe_clComposite Likelihood Estimation
rwe_cutCreate strata
rwe_kmKaplan-Meier Estimation
rwe_stanCall STAN models
summary.PSRWE_DTASummarize PS estimation and stratification results
summary.PSRWE_DTA_MATSummarize PS estimation and matching results
summary.PSRWE_RSTSummarize overall estimation results
psrwe documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:33 p.m.