
# Documentation for datasets

#' NYPD Open Data on Shootings
#' Shootings recorded from the New York City Police Department from 2006 to current.
#' @format A SpatialPointsDataFrame with currently over 20k rows and 21 fields, including date/time and address level geocoordinates for the event. Data from 2006 to currently. See the info on Socrata for the field name codebook.
#' @source 
#'  - \url{https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Shooting-Incident-Data-Year-To-Date-/5ucz-vwe8} for current
#'  - \url{https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Shooting-Incident-Data-Historic-/833y-fsy8} for historical

#' NYC Boroughs
#' Spatial file for New York City Borough outlines without water areas
#' @format A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object of the NYC Boroughs. This is projected (same coordinates as shootings). See the [Bytes of the Big Apple](https://www.nyc.gov/site/planning/data-maps/open-data.page) for any details on the file.
#' @source 
#'  - \url{https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/planning/download/zip/data-maps/open-data/nybb_21c.zip}

#' NYC Alcohol Licenses
#' Point locations for alcohol locations inside NYC boroughs
#' @format A SpatialPointsDataFrame with point locations for alcohol licenses inside of NYC. 
#' Note that some of these are not the actual sales place, but another address for the business. 
#' Currently over 18,000 addresses.
#' @source 
#'  - \url{https://data.ny.gov/Economic-Development/Liquor-Authority-Current-List-of-Active-Licenses/hrvs-fxs2}

#' NYC Sidewalk Cafes
#' Point locations for sidewalk cafes in NYC
#' @format A SpatialPointsDataFrame with point locations Sidwalk cafes in NYC. Note currently
#' includes only active license locations. Current N around 400 and none in Staten Island.
#' @source 
#'  - \url{https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Business/Sidewalk-Caf-Licenses-and-Applications/qcdj-rwhu}

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ptools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:40 p.m.