adj_file_nos: Adjust file numbers.

View source: R/adj_file_nos.R

adj_file_nosR Documentation

Adjust file numbers.


This function is used to increment / decrease sequential scripts within the specified directory, allowing efficient adjustment of script sequence for additional or removed files.


adj_file_nos(target, directory = NULL, action = "up", step = 1)



Required. The number in the sequential scripts to begin the adjustment. Use single digits only. The adjustment will affect script with that leading digit and greater.


The directory holding the sequential scripts.


Defaults to "up". Whether to adjust file numbers up or down.


Defaults to 1. The step by which to increment or decrement the file numbering.


Renumbers filenames in the specified directory, according to the specified action. Only affects the target file and above.


seq_file_ops(n = 10, target_dir = "munge")

# Increase files numbered 6 and above by 1
adj_file_nos(target = 6, directory = "munge")

# Increase above target files by a further 2
adj_file_nos(target = 6, directory = "munge", step = 2)

# Use step = "down" to restore original sequence
adj_file_nos(target = 6, directory = "munge", action = "down", step = 3)

# writing books or websites:
seq_file_ops(n = 5, target_dir = "images", filetype = "png")
# adjust by decimals
adj_file_nos(target = 1, directory = "images", step = 0.1)

# tidying up environment
unlink(c("munge", "images"), recursive = TRUE)

ptspotter documentation built on Aug. 13, 2023, 5:06 p.m.