Man pages for ptvapi
Access the 'Public Transport Victoria' Timetable API

add_parameterSuffix a parameter to a HTML request
add_parametersSuffix one or many parameters to a HTML request
all_disruptions_to_tibbleConvert the contents of a disruptions API call to a single...
assert_correct_attributesAssert that the API has returned the expected attributes
cached_route_typesRetrieve route types, using cached values if possible
convert_to_melbourne_timeConvert a datetime returned by the PTV API into Melbourne...
departuresDepartures from a given stop
departure_to_tibbleConvert a single departure to a tibble
describe_route_typeConvert a numeric route type to a human-friendly description
directionsDirections for a given direction ID
directions_on_routeDirections on a given route
disruption_informationInformation on a particular disruption
disruption_modesRetrieve a translation from description mode number to...
disruptionsInformation for all disruptions
disruptions_at_stopDisruptions at a given stop
disruptions_on_routeDisruptions on a given route
disruption_to_tibbleConvert a single disruption to a tibble
fare_estimateCalculate a fare estimate between zones
filter_departuresFilter parsed departures content according to user input
generate_request_urlGenerate a URL with devid and signature
geopath_to_tibbleConvert a single geopath to a tibble
make_url_friendlyConvert an input to a form that can be used in a URL.
map_and_rbindMap and rbind a list of data frames
outletsInformation for all outlets
outlets_nearbyInformation for outlets near a given location
outlet_to_tibbleConvert a single outlet to a tibble
parse_directions_contentParse content of directions API call
parse_fare_estimate_contentParse content of fare estimates API call
patternsStopping pattern for a given run
process_responseProcess a raw httr response and return an object of class...
ptvapi-packageptvapi: A package for accessing the Public Transport Victoria...
PTVGETSubmit a GET request to the PTV API
ptv_searchUse a character term to search for routes, stops, and...
route_informationInformation for a given route
routesInformation for all routes
route_to_tibbleConvert a single route to a tibble
route_typesRetrieve a translation from route type number to name
run_informationInformation for a given run
runs_on_routeRuns on a given route
run_to_tibbleConvert a single run to a tibble
search_outletsSearch for outlets using text
search_routesSearch for routes using text
search_stopsSearch for stops using text
stop_informationInformation for a given stop (metropolitan and V/Line...
stops_nearbyStops near a given location
stops_on_routeStops on a given route and route type
stop_to_tibbleConvert a single stop to a tibble
to_datetimeConvert a POSIXct or character datetime to a format ready for...
to_integerStrictly convert an object to an integer
translate_route_typeTranslate a route type input into a numerical route type
ptvapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.