purrrlyr 0.0.8

purrrlyr 0.0.7

purrrlyr 0.0.6

purrrlyr 0.0.5

purrrlyr 0.0.4

purrrlyr 0.0.3

purrlyr 0.0.2

CRAN maintenance release.

purrlyr 0.0.1

All data-frame based mappers have been moved to this package. These functions are not technically deprecated (so you can move to this package as easily as possible), but these functions are unlikely to be changed in the future (i.e. there will be no bug fixes) and are likely to go away in the near future, so we highly recommend updating to new approaches.

Try the purrrlyr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

purrrlyr documentation built on March 29, 2022, 5:05 p.m.