rvold: FDA rotavirus vaccine dataset with 727 adverse events...

rvoldR Documentation

FDA rotavirus vaccine dataset with 727 adverse events observed among "old" (non-infant; age >= 1 year) individuals


A vaccine-Adverse event (AE) count dataset (contingency table) obtained from the FDA VAERS database for the year 1999




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 727 rows and 2 columns.


Data are stored in the forms of contingency table, with the vaccines listed across the columns and the 727 AEs presented across the rows. Each cell in the contingency table represents the total report counts (from "old" individuals with age >= 1 year) associated with that vaccine/AE pair and detected in the FDA VAERS database for the year 1999.

The dataset contains two columns – one for the rotavirus vaccine, and another for other (37 vaccines combined).



pvLRT documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:17 p.m.