regex_supplement: Supplemental Canned Regular Expressions

regex_supplementR Documentation

Supplemental Canned Regular Expressions


A dataset containing a list of supplemental, canned regular expressions. The regular expressions in this data set are considered useful but have not been included in a formal function (of the type rm_XXX). Users can utilize the rm_ function to generate functions that can sub/replace/extract as desired.




A list with 24 elements


The following canned regular expressions are included:


single word after the word "a"


single word after the word "the"


find single word after ? word (? = user defined); note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own (user supplies (1) n before, (2) the point, & (3) n after)


find n words (not including punctuation) before or after ? word (? = user defined); note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own (user supplies (1) n before, (2) the point, & (3) n after)


find n words (plus punctuation) before or after ? word (? = user defined); note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own


find sing word before ? word (? = user defined); note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own


find all occurrences of a substring except the first; regex pattern retrieved from StackOverflow's akrun:


substring beginning with hash (#) followed by either 3 or 6 select characters (a-f, A-F, and 0-9)


substring of four chunks of 1-3 consecutive digits separated with dots (.)


last occurrence of a delimiter; note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own (user supplies the delimiter)


substring with "pp." or "p.", optionally followed by a space, followed by 1 or more digits, optionally followed by a dash, optionally followed by 1 or more digits, optionally followed by a semicolon, optionally followed by a space, optionally followed by 1 or more digits; intended for extraction/removal purposes


substring 1 or more digits, optionally followed by a dash, optionally followed by 1 or more digits, optionally followed by a semicolon, optionally followed by a space, optionally followed by 1 or more digits; intended for validation purposes


punctuation characters ([:punct:]) with the ability to negate; note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own


a regex that is useful for splitting strings in the characters runs (e.g., "wwxyyyzz" becomes "ww", "x", "yyy", "zz"); regex pattern retrieved from Robert Redd:


regex string that splits on a delimiter and retains the delimiter


chunks digits > 4 into groups of 3 from right to left allowing for easy insertion of thousands separator; regex pattern retrieved from StackOverflow's stema:


substring of valid hours (1-12) followed by a colon (:) followed by valid minutes (0-60), followed by an optional space and the character chunk am or pm


substring starting with "v" or "version" optionally followed by a space and then period separated digits for <major>.<minor>.<release>.<build>; the build sequence is optional and the "version"/"v" IS NOT contained in the substring


substring starting with "v" or "version" optionally followed by a space and then period separated digits for <major>.<minor>.<release>.<build>; the build sequence is optional and the "version"/"v" IS contained in the substring


substring of white space after a comma


A true word boundary that only includes alphabetic characters; based on's suggestion taken from discussion of true word boundaries; note contains "%s" that is replaced by sprintf and is not a valid regex on its own


A true left word boundary that only includes alphabetic characters; based on's suggestion taken from discussion of true word boundaries


A true right word boundary that only includes alphabetic characters; based on's suggestion taken from discussion of true word boundaries


substring of the video id from a YouTube video; taken from Jacob Overgaard's submission found

Regexes from this data set can be added to the pattern argument of any rm_XXX function via an at sign (@) followed by a regex name from this data set (e.g., pattern = "@after_the") provided the regular expression does not contain non-regex such as sprintf character string %s.

Use qdapRegex:::examine_regex(regex_supplement) to interactively explore the regular expressions in regex_usa. This will provide a browser + console based break down of each regex in the dictionary.


Note that regexes containing %s are replaced by sprintf and are not a valid regex on their own. The S is useful for adding these missing %s parameters.


time <- rm_(pattern="@time_12_hours")
time("I will go at 12:35 pm")

x <- "v6.0.156 for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista
Server version 1.1.20
Client Manager version 1.1.24"

rm_default(x, pattern = "@version", extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = "@version2", extract=TRUE)

x <- "this is 1000000 big 4356.  And little 123 number."
rm_default(x, pattern="@thousands_separator", replacement="\\1,")
rm_default(x, pattern="@thousands_separator", replacement="\\1.")

rm_default("I was,but it costs 10,000.", pattern="@white_after_comma", 
    replacement=", ")

x <- "I like; the donuts; a lot"
strsplit(x, ";")
strsplit(x, S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";"), perl=TRUE)
stringi::stri_split_regex(x, S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";"))
stringi::stri_split_regex("I like; the donuts; a lot:cool", 
    S(grab("split_keep_delim"), ";|:"))

## Grab words around a point
x <- c(
    "the magic word is e",
    "the dog is red and they are blue",
    "I am new but she is not new",
    "hello world",
    "why is it so cold?  Perhaps it is Winter.",
    "It is not true the 7 is 8.",
    "Is that my drink?"

rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 2, "is", 2), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is|are|am", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, "is not|is|are|am", 1), extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@around_", 1, 
    "is not|[Ii]s|[Aa]re|[Aa]m", 1), extract=TRUE)

x <- c(
    "hello world",
    "45 & 5 makes 50",
    "x and y",
    "abc and def",
    "her him foo & bar for Jack and Jill then"

around_and <- rm_(pattern = S("@around_", 1, "and|\\&", 1), extract=TRUE)

## Split runs into chunks
x <- "1111100000222000333300011110000111000"
strsplit(x, grab("@run_split"), per = TRUE)

## Not run: 

out <- setNames(lapply(c("@after_a", "@after_the"), function(x) {
    o <- rm_default(stringi:::stri_trans_tolower(pres_debates2012$dialogue), 
        pattern = x, extract=TRUE)
    m <- qdapTools::matrix2df(data.frame(freq=sort(table(unlist(o)), TRUE)), "word")
    m[m$freq> 7, ]
}), c("a", "the"))

dat <- setNames(Reduce(function(x, y) {
    merge(x, y, by = "word", all = TRUE)}, out), c("Word", "A", "THE"))

dat <- reshape2::melt(dat, id="Word","Article","freq")

dat <- dat[order(dat$freq, dat$Word), ]

ord <- aggregate(freq ~ Word, dat, sum)

dat$word <- factor(dat$Word, levels=ord[order(ord[[2]]), 1])
ggplot(dat, aes(x=freq, y=Word)) + geom_point()+ facet_grid(~Article)

## End(Not run)

## remove/extract pages numbers
x <- c("I read p. 36 and then pp. 45-49", "it's on pp. 23-24;28")

rm_pages <- rm_(pattern="@pages", extract=TRUE)

rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages")
rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages", extract=TRUE)
rm_default(x, pattern = "@pages2", extract=TRUE)

## Validate pages
page_val <- validate("@pages2", FALSE)
page_val(c(66, "78-82", "hello world", TRUE, "44-45; 56"))

## Split on last occurrence
x <- c(

strsplit(x, S("@last_occurrence", "\\."), perl=TRUE)
strsplit(x, S("@last_occurrence", "@"), perl=TRUE)

## True Word Boundaries
x <- "this is _not a word666 and this is not a word too." 
## Standard regex word boundary
rm_default(x, pattern=bind("not a word"))
## Alphabetic only word boundaries
rm_default(x, pattern=S("@word_boundary", "not a word"))

## Remove all but first occurrence of something
x <- c(
    "a - de=4fgh --= i5jkl", 

rm_default(x, pattern = S("@except_first", "-"))
rm_default(x, pattern = S("@except_first", "="))

qdapRegex documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 5:06 p.m.