Man pages for qgg
Statistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic Analyses

accCompute prediction accuracy for a quantitative or binary...
adjLDLD pruning of summary statistics
adjLDStatCheck concordance between marker effect and sparse LD matrix.
adjStatAdjustment of marker summary statistics using clumping and...
adjustBAdjust B-values
adjustMapLDAdjust Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) Using Map Information
aucCompute AUC
computeROCCompute Receiver Operating Curve statistics
gbayesBayesian linear regression models
gblupCompute Genomic BLUP values
getGGet elements from genotype matrix stored in PLINK bedfiles
getGRMExtract elements from genomic relationship matrix (GRM)...
getLDRetrieve Sparse LD Matrix for a Given Chromosome
getLDsetsGet marker LD sets
getMapRetrieve the map for specified rsids on a given chromosome.
getMarkersRetrieve marker rsids in a specified genome region.
getPosRetrieve the positions for specified rsids on a given...
getSparseLDExtract Sparse Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) Information
gfilterFilter genetic marker data based on different quality...
glmaSingle marker association analysis using linear models or...
gmapFinemapping using Bayesian Linear Regression Models
gprepPrepare genotype data for all statistical analyses
gremlGenomic rescticted maximum likelihood (GREML) analysis
grmComputing the genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
gscoreGenomic scoring based on single marker summary statistics
gseaGene set enrichment analysis
gsimGenomic simulation
gsolveSolve linear mixed model equations
hwePerform Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Test
ldscLD score regression
ldscoreCompute LD (Linkage Disequilibrium) Scores for a Given...
mapSetsMap Sets to RSIDs
mapStatMap marker summary statistics to Glist
mergeGRMMerge multiple GRMlist objects
mtadjAdjustment of marker effects using correlated trait...
plotBayesPlot fit from gbayes
plotForestForest plot
plotLDPlot LD Matrix
plotROCPlot Receiver Operating Curves
predict_auc_mt_ccExpected AUC for prediction of a binary trait using...
predict_auc_mt_continuousExpected AUC for prediction of a binary trait using...
predict_auc_stExpected AUC for prediction of a binary trait
predict_r2_mtExpected R2 for multiple trait prediction of continuous...
predict_r2_stExpected R2 for single trait prediction of a continuous trait
qcStatQuality Control of Marker Summary Statistics
rnagCompute Nagelkerke R2
splitWithOverlapSplit Vector with Overlapping Segments
qgg documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:52 p.m.