heeringa: Heeringa-style colours

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Heeringa-style colours


Proposed in Heeringa (2004) to colour a (dis)similarity by decomposing it into three dimensions (using cmdscale here) and then mapping these dimensions to RGB to make colours. Highly useful to visualize pairwise similarities between geographic regions.


heeringa(dist, power = 0.5, mapping = c(1, 2, 3), method = "eigs", center = NULL)



dist object specifying distances between points.


Factor used to influence the results of the multidimensional scaling. Values closer to one will lead to clearer separated colours, while higher values will lead to more gradual colours.


Optional vector to change the mapping of the dimensions to the colours. Should be of length 3, specifying to which color each of the three dimensions is mapped. A 1 means 'red', a 2 means 'green' and a 3 means 'blue'. Adding a minus reverses the mapping.


Method used to determine the colour dimensions. Either mds (nicer colourbalance) or eigs (much faster).


Optionally, specify an index of one of the points to be put in the center of the coloring scheme, i.e. this point will become grey and all other points will be colored relative to this point.


This proposal goes back to Heeringa (2004). The idea is to visualize distances by mapping the first three dimensions of a multidimensional scaling to the the red-green-blue scales. The mapping vector can be used to change the mapping to the colours.


A vector of colours of the same length as the size of the dist object.


Michael Cysouw <cysouw@mac.com>


Heeringa, Wilbert. "Measuring Dialect Pronunciation Differences Using Levenshtein Distance." Ph.D. Thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2004.


tess <- weightedMap(hessen$villages, window = hessen$boundary, crs = 2397)
d <- dist(hessen$data, method = "canberra")

# different mappings of the colors
c1 <- heeringa(d)
plot(tess$weightedVoronoi, col = c1, border = NA)

c2 <- heeringa(d, power = 1, mapping = c(3, -2, 1))
plot(tess$weightedVoronoi, col = c2, border = NA)

qlcVisualize documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:24 p.m.