Man pages for qris
Quantile Regression Model for Residual Lifetime Using an Induced Smoothing Approach

export_Surv'Surv' function imported from 'survival'
plot.qrisDraw 95% confidence interval by a quantile regression...
predict.qrisPrediction for Quantile Regression Model Fitted on Residual...
qrisEstimate a quantile regression estimator of residual lifetime...
qris.controlAuxiliary for Controlling qris
qris.extendExtend a "'qris'" object to a specified range of tau or t_0...
qris-packageqris: Quantile Regression Model for Residual Lifetime Using...
residuals.qrisResiduals for Quantile Regression Model Fitted on Residual...
qris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8 a.m.