export_Surv: 'Surv' function imported from 'survival'

export_SurvR Documentation

Surv function imported from survival


This function is imported from the survival package. See Surv.


An object of class Surv. There are methods for print, is.na, and subscripting survival objects. Surv objects are implemented as a matrix of 2 or 3 columns that has further attributes. These include the type (left censored, right censored, counting process, etc.) and labels for the states for multi-state objects. Any attributes of the input arguments are also preserved in inputAttributes. This may be useful for other packages that have attached further information to data items such as labels; none of the routines in the survival package make use of these values, however. In the case of is.Surv, a logical value TRUE if x inherits from class "Surv", otherwise an FALSE.

qris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8 a.m.