make.dummy: Make Dummy Columns

View source: R/quest_functions.R

make.dummyR Documentation

Make Dummy Columns


make.dummy creates dummy columns (i.e., dichotomous numeric vectors coded 0 and 1) from logical conditions. If you want to make logical conditions from columns of a data.frame, you will need to call the data.frame and its columns explicitly as this function does not use non-standard evaluation.


make.dummy(..., rtn.lgl = FALSE)



logical conditions that evaluate to logical vectors of the same length. If the logical vectors are not the same length, an error is returned. The names of the arguments are the colnames in the return object. If unnamed, then default R data.frame naming is used, which can get ugly.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the dummy columns should be logical vectors (TRUE) rather than numeric vectors (FALSE).


data.frame of dummy columns based on the logical conditions n .... If rtn.lgl = TRUE, then the columns are logical vectors. If out.lgl = FALSE, then the columns are numeric vectors where 0 = FALSE and 1 = TRUE. The colnames are the names of the arguments in .... If not specified, then default data.frame names are created from the logical conditions themselves (which can get ugly).

See Also



make.dummy(attitude$"rating" > 50) # ugly colnames
make.dummy("rating_50plus" = attitude$"rating" > 50,
   "advance_50minus" = attitude$"advance" < 50)
make.dummy("rating_50plus" = attitude$"rating" > 50,
   "advance_50minus" = attitude$"advance" < 50, rtn.lgl = TRUE)
## Not run: 
   make.dummy("rating_50plus" = attitude$"rating" > 50,
      "mpg_20plus" = mtcars$"mpg" > 20)

## End(Not run)

quest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:59 a.m.