score: Observed Unweighted Scoring of a Set of Variables/Items

View source: R/quest_functions.R

scoreR Documentation

Observed Unweighted Scoring of a Set of Variables/Items


score calculates observed unweighted scores across a set of variables/items. If a row's frequency of observed data is less than (or equal to) ov.min, then NA is returned for that row. data[vrb.nm] is coerced to a matrix before scoring. If the coercion leads to a character matrix, an error is returned.


  avg = TRUE,
  ov.min = 1,
  prop = TRUE,
  inclusive = TRUE,
  impute = TRUE,
  std = FALSE, = std,
  std.score = std



data.frame or numeric/logical matrix


character vector of colnames in data specifying the set of variables/items.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether mean scores (TRUE) or sum scores (FALSE) should be created.


minimum frequency of observed values required per row. If prop = TRUE, then this is a decimal between 0 and 1. If prop = FALSE, then this is a integer between 0 and length(vrb.nm).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether ov.min should refer to the proportion of observed values (TRUE) or the count of observed values (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the score should be calculated (rather than NA) if the frequency of observed values in a row is exactly equal to ov.min.


logical vector of length 1 specifying if missing values should be imputed with the mean of observed values from each row of data[vrb.nm] (i.e., row mean imputation). If TRUE (default), this will make sums over the same rows with different frequencies of missing values comparable. Note, this argument is only used when avg = FALSE since when avg = TRUE row mean imputation is always done implicitly.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether 1) data[vrb.nm] should be standardized before scoring and 2) the score standardized after creation. This argument is for convenience as these two standardization processes are often used together. However, this argument will be overwritten by any non-default value for and std.score.

logical vector of length 1 specifying whether data[vrb.nm] should be standardized before scoring.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the score should be standardized after creation.


numeric vector of the mean/sum of each row or NA if the frequency of observed values is less than (or equal to) ov.min. The names are the rownames of data.

See Also

scores rowMeans_if rowSums_if scoreItems


score(data = attitude, vrb.nm = c("complaints","privileges","learning","raises"))
score(data = attitude, vrb.nm = c("complaints","privileges","learning","raises"),
   std = TRUE) # standardized scoring
score(data = airquality, vrb.nm = c("Ozone","Solar.R","Temp"),
   ov.min = 0.75) # conditional on observed values

quest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:59 a.m.