Man pages for questionr
Functions to Make Surveys Processing Easier

addNAstrTransform missing values of a factor to an extra level
childrenA fertility survey - "children" table
chisq.residualsReturn the chi-squared residuals of a two-way frequency...
clipcopyTransform an object into HTML and copy it for export
cpropColumn percentages of a two-way frequency table.
cramer.vCompute Cramer's V of a two-way frequency table
cross.multi.tableTwo-way frequency table between a multiple choices question...
describeDescribe the variables of a data.frame
duplicated2Determine all duplicate elements
enfantsA fertility survey - "enfants" table
escape_regexEscape regex special chars Code directly taken from...
feconditeA fertility survey
femmesA fertility survey - "femmes" table
fertilityA fertility survey
first_non_nullReturn first non-null of two values
format.proptabS3 format method for proptab objects.
freqGenerate frequency tables.
freq.naGenerate frequency table of missing values.
ggsurveyEasy ggplot2 with survey objects
happyData related to happiness from the General Social Survey,...
hdv2003Histoire de vie 2003
householdsA fertility survey - "households" table
icutInteractive conversion from numeric to factor
iorderInteractive reordering of factor levels
irecInteractive recoding
ltabsCross tabulation with labelled variables
menagesA fertility survey - "menages" table
multi.splitSplit a multiple choices variable in a series of binary...
multi.tableOne-way frequency table for multiple choices question
na.rmRemove observations with missing values
odds.ratioOdds Ratio
print.proptabS3 print method for proptab objects.
propGlobal percentages of a two-way frequency table.
qloadLoad one or more packages, installing them first if necessary
qscanScan R scripts and load/install all detected packages
quant.cutTransform a quantitative variable into a qualitative variable
recode.naRecode values of a variable to missing values, using exact or...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rename.variableRename a data frame column
rm.unused.levelsRemove unused levels
rp20122012 French Census - French cities of more than 2000...
rp20182018 French Census - French cities of more than 2000...
rpropRow percentages of a two-way frequency table.
tabsWeighted Crossresult
womenA fertility survey - "women" table
wtd.meanWeighted mean and variance of a vector
wtd.tableWeighted one-way and two-way frequency tables.
questionr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:14 p.m.