queue_step: Compute the departure times and queue lengths for a queueing...

View source: R/core_queuefunctions.R

queue_stepR Documentation

Compute the departure times and queue lengths for a queueing system from arrival and service times.


Compute the departure times and queue lengths for a queueing system from arrival and service times.


queue_step(arrivals, service, servers = 1, labels = NULL)



numeric vector of non-negative arrival times


numeric vector of service times with the same ordering as arrival_df.


a non-zero natural number, an object of class server.stepfun or an object of class server.list.


character vector of customer labels (deprecated).


If only departure times are needed, the queue function is faster.


An list object of class queue_list with the following components:

  • departures - A vector of response times for the input of arrival times and service times.

  • server - A vector of server assignments for the input of arrival times and service times.

  • departures_df - A data frame with arrivals, service, departures, waiting, system time, and server assignments for each customer.

  • queuelength_df - A data frame describing the evolution of queue length over time

  • systemlength_df - A data frame describing the evolution of system length over time

  • servers_input - A copy of the server argument

  • state - A vector of availability times for the servers

See Also

queue, summary.queue_list, plot.queue_list


# With two servers
n <- 100

arrivals <- cumsum(rexp(n, 3))
service <- rexp(n)

queue_obj <- queue_step(arrivals,
    service = service, servers = 2)

plot(queue_obj, which = 5)

# It seems like the customers have a long wait.
# Let's put two more servers on after time 20

server_list <- as.server.stepfun(c(20),c(2,4))

queue_obj2 <- queue_step(arrivals,
    service = service,
    servers = server_list)

if(require(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)){

    plot(queue_obj2, which = 5)


queuecomputer documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 1:07 a.m.