Man pages for r2r
R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps

compare_fnGet key comparison function of an hash table
defaultDefault 'hashmap' values
default_hash_fnString hashes for arbitrary R objects
deleteDelete keys or key/value pairs from an hash table.
hash_fnGet hash function of an hash table
hashtableHash maps and sets
hashtable_methodsMethods for S3 classes 'hashmap' and 'hashset'
has_keyKey existence in hash tables
insertInsert keys or key/value pairs into an hash table.
keysList all keys from an hash table
length.r2r_hashtableSize of hash tables
on_missing_keyOn missing key behaviour
queryQuery keys from an hash table.
r2r-packager2r: R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps
subsetting_hashtablesSubsetting 'hashset's and 'hashmap's
valuesList all values from an hash map
r2r documentation built on July 6, 2021, 5:12 p.m.