Man pages for r2spss
Format R Output to Look Like SPSS

ANOVAOne-way and Two-way ANOVA
box_plotBox Plots
chisq_testChi-squared Tests
descriptivesDescriptive Statistics
EredivisieFootball players of the Dutch Eredivisie season 2013-14
ExamsExam results of an applied statistics course
format_SPSSFormat Objects
kruskal_testKruskal-Wallis Test
labels_SPSSFormat axis tick labels similar to SPSS
line_plotLine Plots
palette_SPSSSPSS Color Palette and Color Scales
r2spss-deprecatedDeprecated plot functions in r2spss
r2spss_optionsOptions for package r2spss
r2spss-packageFormat R Output to Look Like SPSS
r2spss.styCreate the LaTeX style file for 'r2spss'
regressionLinear Regression
scatter_plotScatter Plot and Scatter Plot Matrix
sign_testSign Test
theme_SPSSPlot theme to mimic the look of SPSS graphs
to_latexPrint LaTeX Tables that Mimic the Look of SPSS Output
to_SPSSConvert R Objects to SPSS-Style Tables
trimmed_meanTrimmed mean
t_testt Tests
wilcoxon_testWilcoxon Signed Rank and Rank Sum Tests
r2spss documentation built on May 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.