Man pages for rLFT
Processing Linear Features

addMAdd M values to given feature
addMValuesAdd M values to given feature
bctBoundary Convexity Tool
CalcBoundaryConvexCalculate Boundary Convexity
latlongShpObjectAn example sf object outlining boundaries of a group of...
openOutputOpen a file for output
pointObjectAn example sf object with geometry type of POINT, used for...
polygonShpObjectAn example sf object outlining boundaries of a group of...
ridCheckRoute ID Check
rLFT-packagerLFT: Processing Linear Features
shpObjectAn example sf object outlining boundaries of a group of...
skipFeatureListCreates a list of features that have been skipped over
rLFT documentation built on Sept. 24, 2021, 9:07 a.m.