Man pages for rNOMADS
An R Interface to the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System

ArchiveGribGrabDownload archived model data from the NOMADS server.
BuildProfileGet model data at a specific point.
CheckNOMADSArchiveCheck to see if archived data exists.
CrawlModelsGet Available Model Runs
DODSGrabDownload model data from the NOMADS server using the...
GetClosestForecastsGet the forecast time closest to a given date for a given...
GetDODSDatesFind available model run dates for data on the GrADS - DODS...
GetDODSModelRunInfoGet model coverage and data information for models on...
GetDODSModelRunsFind available model runs on the GrADS - DODS system.
GribGrabDownload grib file from the NOMADS server.
GribInfoGet grib file inventory.
LinkExtractorExtracts links from web pages
MagnitudeAzimuthConvert zonal-meridional wind speeds to magnitude/azimuth.
ModelGridTransform model data into an array
NOMADSArchiveListArchived models available for download through rNOMADS
NOMADSRealTimeListModels available for download through rNOMADS
ParseModelPageExtract predictions, levels, and variables
PlotWindProfilePlot wind speed and direction
ReadGribExtract data from grib files
rNOMADS-packageAn interface to the NOAA Operational Model Archive and...
SanitizeURLRemove illegal URL characters
SubsetNOMADSSubset model data output
WebCrawlerGet web pages
rNOMADS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:44 a.m.