Man pages for rSPDE
Rational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

augment.rspde_lmeAugment data with information from a 'rspde_lme' object
bru_get_mapper.inla_rspderSPDE inlabru mapper
construct.spde.matern.loglikeConstructor of Matern loglikelihood functions for...
cross_validationPerform cross-validation on a list of fitted models.
folded.matern.covariance.1dThe 1d folded Matern covariance function
folded.matern.covariance.2dThe 2d folded Matern covariance function
fractional.operatorsRational approximations of fractional operators
get.initial.values.rSPDEInitial values for log-likelihood optimization in rSPDE...
gg_dfData frame for result objects from R-INLA fitted models to be...
gg_df.rspde_resultData frame for rspde_result objects to be used in ggplot2
glance.rspde_lmeGlance at an 'rspde_lme' object
graph_data_rspdeData extraction from metric graphs for 'rSPDE' models
intrinsic.matern.operatorsCovariance-based approximations of intrinsic fields
matern.covarianceThe Matern covariance function
matern.operatorsRational approximations of stationary Gaussian Matern random...
operator.operationsOperations with the Pr and Pl operators
precision.CBrSPDEobjGet the precision matrix of CBrSPDEobj objects
precision.inla_rspdeGet the precision matrix of 'inla_rspde' objects
predict.CBrSPDEobjPrediction of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based...
predict.rspde_lmePrediction of a mixed effects regression model on a metric...
predict.rSPDEobjPrediction of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE...
rational.orderGet the order of rational approximation.
rational.order-setChanging the order of the rational approximation
rational.typeGet type of rational approximation.
rational.type-setChanging the type of the rational approximation
require.nowarningsWarnings free loading of add-on packages
rSPDERational approximations of fractional SPDEs.
rSPDE.A1dObservation matrix for finite element discretization on R
rSPDE.construct.matern.loglikeConstructor of Matern loglikelihood functions.
rSPDE.fem1dFinite element calculations for problems on R
rSPDE.fem2dFinite element calculations for problems in 2D
rspde_lmerSPDE linear mixed effects models
rSPDE.loglikeObject-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian...
rspde.make.AObservation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models.
rspde.make.indexrSPDE model index vector generation
rspde.maternMatern rSPDE model object for INLA
rSPDE.matern.loglikeObject-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian...
rspde.matern.precisionPrecision matrix of the covariance-based rational...
rspde.matern.precision.integerPrecision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern random fields...
rspde.matern.precision.integer.optOptimized precision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern...
rspde.matern.precision.optOptimized precision matrix of the covariance-based rational...
rspde.mesh.projectCalculate a lattice projection to/from an 'inla.mesh' for...
rspde.metric_graphMatern rSPDE model object for metric graphs in INLA
rspde.resultrSPDE result extraction from INLA estimation results
simulate.CBrSPDEobjSimulation of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based...
simulate.rSPDEobjSimulation of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE...
spde.make.AObservation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models with integer...
spde.matern.loglikeParameter-based log-likelihood for a latent Gaussian Matern...
spde.matern.operatorsRational approximations of non-stationary Gaussian SPDE...
summary.CBrSPDEobjSummarise CBrSPDE objects
summary.rspde_lmeSummary Method for 'rspde_lme' Objects.
summary.rSPDEobjSummarise rSPDE objects
summary.rspde_resultSummary for posteriors of field parameters for an...
update.CBrSPDEobjUpdate parameters of CBrSPDEobj objects
update.rSPDEobjUpdate parameters of rSPDEobj objects
variogram.intrinsic.spdeVariogram of intrinsic SPDE model
rSPDE documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 1:06 a.m.