Man pages for radiant.basics
Basics Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

cltCentral Limit Theorem simulation
compare_meansCompare sample means
compare_propsCompare sample proportions across groups
considerCar brand consideration
cor2dfStore a correlation matrix as a (long) data.frame
correlationCalculate correlations for two or more variables
cross_tabsEvaluate associations between categorical variables
demand_ukDemand in the UK
goodnessEvaluate if sample data for a categorical variable is...
newspaperNewspaper readership
plot.cltPlot method for the Central Limit Theorem simulation
plot.compare_meansPlot method for the compare_means function
plot.compare_propsPlot method for the compare_props function
plot.correlationPlot method for the correlation function
plot.cross_tabsPlot method for the cross_tabs function
plot.goodnessPlot method for the goodness function
plot.prob_binomPlot method for the probability calculator (binomial)
plot.prob_chisqPlot method for the probability calculator (Chi-squared...
plot.prob_discPlot method for the probability calculator (discrete)
plot.prob_expoPlot method for the probability calculator (Exponential...
plot.prob_fdistPlot method for the probability calculator (F-distribution)
plot.prob_lnormPlot method for the probability calculator (log normal)
plot.prob_normPlot method for the probability calculator (normal)
plot.prob_poisPlot method for the probability calculator (poisson)
plot.prob_tdistPlot method for the probability calculator (t-distribution)
plot.prob_unifPlot method for the probability calculator (uniform)
plot.single_meanPlot method for the single_mean function
plot.single_propPlot method for the single_prop function
print.rcorrPrint method for the correlation function
prob_binomProbability calculator for the binomial distribution
prob_chisqProbability calculator for the chi-squared distribution
prob_discProbability calculator for a discrete distribution
prob_expoProbability calculator for the exponential distribution
prob_fdistProbability calculator for the F-distribution
prob_lnormProbability calculator for the log normal distribution
prob_normProbability calculator for the normal distribution
prob_poisProbability calculator for the poisson distribution
prob_tdistProbability calculator for the t-distribution
prob_unifProbability calculator for the uniform distribution
radiant.basics_viewerLaunch radiant.basics in the Rstudio viewer
radiant.basics_windowLaunch radiant.basics in an Rstudio window
salarySalaries for Professors
single_meanCompare a sample mean to a population mean
single_propCompare a sample proportion to a population proportion
summary.compare_meansSummary method for the compare_means function
summary.compare_propsSummary method for the compare_props function
summary.correlationSummary method for the correlation function
summary.cross_tabsSummary method for the cross_tabs function
summary.goodnessSummary method for the goodness function
summary.prob_binomSummary method for the probability calculator (binomial)
summary.prob_chisqSummary method for the probability calculator (Chi-squared...
summary.prob_discSummary method for the probability calculator (discrete)
summary.prob_expoSummary method for the probability calculator (exponential)
summary.prob_fdistSummary method for the probability calculator...
summary.prob_lnormSummary method for the probability calculator (log normal)
summary.prob_normSummary method for the probability calculator (normal)
summary.prob_poisSummary method for the probability calculator (poisson)
summary.prob_tdistSummary method for the probability calculator...
summary.prob_unifSummary method for the probability calculator (uniform)
summary.single_meanSummary method for the single_mean function
summary.single_propSummary method for the single_prop function
radiant.basics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:55 a.m.