
# int_validate <- function(weights, constraints) {
#   agg_ind <- function(weights, constraints) {
#     ind_agg <- apply(weights, 2, function(x)
#       colSums(x * ind_cat)
#     )
#     ind_agg <- t(ind_agg)
#     context("Check ind_agg")
#     test_that("ind_agg is correct", {
#       expect_that(ncol(ind_agg), equals(ncol(constraints)))
#       expect_that(nrow(ind_agg), equals(ncol(weights)))
#       expect_that(sum(ind_agg[, grep("age_[[:digit:]]", colnames(ind_agg))]),
#                   equals(sum(weights)))
#     })
#     ind_agg
#   }
#   correlation <- cor(as.numeric(constraints), as.numeric(ind_agg))
#   max_abs_diff <- max(abs(ind_agg - constraints))
#   tae <- tae(constraints, ind_agg)
#   sae <- tae(constraints, ind_agg) / sum(constraints)
#   cor_vec <- rep(0, dim(constraints)[1])
#   for (i in 1:dim(constraints)[1]) {
#     cor_vec[i] <- cor(as.numeric(constraints[i, ]), as.numeric(ind_agg[i, ]))
#   }
#   ## cor_vec <- summary(cor_vec)
#   tae_vec <- rep(0, nrow(constraints))
#   sae_vec <- rep(0, nrow(constraints))
#   for (i in 1:nrow(constraints)) {
#     tae_vec[i] <- tae(constraints[i, ], ind_agg[i, ])
#     sae_vec[i] <- tae_vec[i] / sum(constraints[i, ])
#   }
#   worst_zone <- which.max(tae_vec)
#   ## worst_zone <- tae_vec[worst_zone] / sum(tae_vec))
#   out <- list(
#     "correlation"  = correlation,
#     "max_abs_diff" = max_abs_diff,
#     "tae"          = tae,
#     "sae"          = sae,
#     "cor_vec"      = cor_vec,
#     "tae_vec"      = tae_vec,
#     "sae_vec"      = sae_vec,
#     "worst_zone"   = worst_zone
#   )
#   out
# }

# int_val_vars <- function(constraint, simdf) {
#   constraint <- tbl_df(as.data.frame(constraint))
#   ## Create an empty data frame to hold the results:
#   ## zone | variable | real count | sim count |
#   ##    1 |        1 |          x |         a |
#   ##    2 |        1 |          y |         b |
#   ##    3 |        1 |          z |         c |
#   ##    1 |        2 |          i |         s |
#   ##    2 |        2 |          j |         t |
#   ##    3 |        2 |          k |         u |
#   constraint[["zone"]] <- NA
#   constraint[["zone"]] <- 1:nrow(constraint)
#   ## Create the validation object (real data)
#   int_val <- constraint %>% gather(zone)
#   colnames(int_val) <- c("zone", "variable", "real")
#   context("Check int_val is correct")
#   test_that("int_val zones are correct", {
#     expect_equal(max(int_val$zone), nrow(constraint))
#     expect_equal(unique(int_val$zone), 1:nrow(constraint))
#   })
#   test_that("Population (i.e. colsum value for age_) is correct", {
#     expect_equal(
#       sum(int_val[grep("age_[[:digit:]]", int_val[["variable"]]), "real"]),
#       sum(constraint[, grep("age_[[:digit:]]", colnames(constraint))]))
#   })
#   ## Add sim data
#   ## dplyr::count() drops counts == 0 so add these back in where NAs
#   ## https://github.com/hadley/dplyr/issues/assigned/romainfrancois
#   int_val[["key"]] <- with(int_val, paste0(zone, variable))
#   context("Check int_val key is unique")
#   test_that("int_val key is unique", {
#     expect_equal(int_val$key, unique(int_val$key))
#   })
#   tmp_sex <- count(simdf, c_sex,          zone)
#   tmp_eth <- count(simdf, race_reduced,   zone)
#   tmp_hiq <- count(simdf, hiqual,         zone)
#   tmp_car <- count(simdf, car,            zone)
#   tmp_ten <- count(simdf, tenure_reduced, zone)
#   tmp_age <- count(simdf, age_cut,        zone)
#   colnames(tmp_sex)[1] <- "variable"
#   colnames(tmp_eth)[1] <- "variable"
#   colnames(tmp_hiq)[1] <- "variable"
#   colnames(tmp_car)[1] <- "variable"
#   colnames(tmp_ten)[1] <- "variable"
#   colnames(tmp_age)[1] <- "variable"
#   tmp <- rbind(tmp_sex, tmp_eth)
#   tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp_hiq)
#   tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp_car)
#   tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp_ten)
#   tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp_age)
#   tmp[["key"]] <- with(tmp, paste0(zone, variable))
#   context("Check tmp key is unique")
#   test_that("tmp key is unique", {
#     expect_equal(tmp$key, unique(tmp$key))
#   })
#   int_val <- left_join(int_val, tmp, by = "key")
#   int_val <- int_val %>% select(zone.x, variable.x, real, n)
#   colnames(int_val) <- c("zone", "variable", "real", "sim")
#   int_val$sim[is.na(int_val$sim)] <- 0
#   context("Check int_val object")
#   test_that("sum simulated population = sum real populaton", {
#     expect_equal(
#       sum(int_val[grep("age_[[:digit:]]", int_val$variable), "real"]),
#       sum(int_val[grep("age_[[:digit:]]", int_val$variable), "sim"]))
#   })
#   ## To order facets
#   int_val$var <- factor(int_val$var, levels = unique(int_val$var))
#   ## To facet by variable types
#   int_val$var_type <- NA
#   var_types <- unique(int_val$var)
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "male"]    <- "Sex"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "female"]  <- "Sex"
#   int_val$var_type[grep("british", int_val$var)]           <- "Ethnicity"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "irish"]                 <- "Ethnicity"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "other_white"]           <- "Ethnicity"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "mixed_multiple_ethnic"] <- "Ethnicity"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "other_ethnicity"]       <- "Ethnicity"
#   int_val$var_type[grep("qual_", int_val$var)]             <- "Qualifications"
#   int_val$var_type[grep("car_", int_val$var)]              <- "Amenities"
#   int_val$var_type[grep("owned_", int_val$var)]            <- "Amenities"
#   int_val$var_type[int_val$var == "rented"]                <- "Amenities"
#   int_val$var_type[grep("age_[[:digit:]]", int_val$var)]   <- "Age"
#   int_val
# }
# plot_sae <- function(shapefile, int_val) {
#   tmp_codes <- shapefile@data$code
#   tmp_codes <- tmp_codes[order(tmp_codes)]
#   sae_vec <- data.frame(
#     tmp_codes,
#     int_val[["sae_vec"]]
#   )
#   colnames(sae_vec) <- c("code", "sae_vec")
#   ## Don't cbind() because zone codes_oa not in correct order
#   shapefile@data <- left_join(shapefile@data, sae_vec, by = "code")
#   ## Fortify
#   shapefile_f <- fortify(shapefile, region = "code")
#   shapefile@data$code <- as.character(shapefile@data$code)
#   shapefile_f <- inner_join(shapefile_f, shapefile@data, by = c("id" = "code"))
#   ggplot(shapefile_f) +
#     geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = sae_vec),
#                  colour = "black") +
#     coord_equal() + mapl +
#     scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "dark grey", limits = c(0, 0.2),
#                         name = "Standardised\nAbsolute Error")
# }
# ext_validate <- function(llid_val, constraint, simdf, code_geo) {
#   llid_val <- llid_val %>%
#   llid_val$llid <- rowSums(llid_val[, 2:3])
#   colnames(llid_val) <- c("code", "little", "lot",
#                           "llid_no_census", "llid_census")
#   llid_val <- select(llid_val, -little, -lot)
#   context("Check llid_val object")
#   test_that("Population of llid_val matches constraint", {
#     expect_equal(sum(llid_val[, 2:3]),
#                  sum(constraint[, grep("age_[[:digit:]]", colnames(constraint))]))
#   })
#   ## Add sim_llid to zone_simdf_oa
#   llid_sim <- simdf %>%
#     select(c_llid, zone) %>%
#     count(zone, c_llid) %>%
#     spread(c_llid, n)
#   colnames(llid_sim) <- c("zone", "llid_no_sim", "llid_sim")
#   llid_sim$code <- NA
#   llid_sim$code <- codes[[as.character(code_geo)]]
#   ## merge on codes (not rbind) because prison OAs removed!
#   llid_val <- left_join(llid_val, llid_sim, by = "code")
#   llid_val
# }
# # tae <- function(observed, simulated) {
#   obs_vec <- as.numeric(observed)
#   sim_vec <- as.numeric(simulated)
#   return(
#     sum(abs(obs_vec - sim_vec))
#   )
# }
# calc_perr <- function(llid_val) {
#   total <- rowSums(llid_val[, c("llid_no_census", "llid_census")])
#   perr  <- llid_val$llid_census - llid_val$llid_sim
#   perr  <- abs(perr)
#   perr  <- perr / total
#   perr  <- perr * 100
#   perr
# }
# test_census <- function(census_var) {
#   test_that("Each zone code is unique", {
#     expect_that(census_var[["code"]], equals(unique(census_var[["code"]])))
#   })
#   test_that("Number of OAs is 978", {
#     expect_that(nrow(census_var), equals(978))
#   })
#   test_that("All columns numeric", {
#     expect_that(all(apply(census_var[, 2:ncol(census_var)], 2, is.numeric)),
#                 is_true())
#   })
# }
# test_ind <- function(ind_var) {
#   context("Check ind_ objects")
#   test_that("Only 0 or 1", {
#     expect_true(all(ind_var == 0 | ind_var == 1))
#   })
#   test_that("All rows must equal 1", {
#     expect_true(all(rowSums(ind_var) == 1))
#   })
#   test_that("Population should match nrow(us)", {
#     expect_equal(sum(ind_var), nrow(us))
#   })
# }
# test_colnames <- function(ind_var, census_var) {
#   context("Check colnames match")
#   test_that("colnames ind_ match census_", {
#     expect_equal(colnames(ind_var), colnames(census_var[2:ncol(census_var)]))
#   })
# }
# test_zone_simdf <- function(zone_simdf, constraint) {
#   testthat::context("Check zone_simdf")
#   test_that("Correct number of zones", {
#     expect_equal(nrow(zone_simdf), nrow(constraint))
#   })
#   test_that("Sum of each zone matches", {
#     expect_equal(rowSums(zone_simdf[, 2:3]),
#                  rowSums(constraint[, grep("age_[[:digit:]]",
#                                            colnames(constraint))]))
#   })
#   test_that("Total adds up to Doncaster pop", {
#     expect_equal(sum(zone_simdf[, 2:3]),
#                  sum(constraint[, grep("age_[[:digit:]]",
#                                        colnames(constraint))]))
#   })
#   test_that("Zone codes_oa all unique", {
#     expect_equal(zone_simdf_oa$code, unique(zone_simdf_oa$code))
#   })
#   test_that("Zone codes_oa in the correct order (i.e. not re-arranged)", {
#     expect_equal(zone_simdf_oa$code, codes[["oa"]])
#   })
# }

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