Man pages for randnet
Random Network Model Estimation, Selection and Parameter Tuning

BHMC.estimateEstimates the number of communities under block models by the...
BlockModel.GenGenerates networks from degree corrected stochastic block...
ConcensusClustclusters nodes by concensus (majority voting) initialized by...
DCSBM.estimateEstimates DCSBM model
ECV.blockselecting block models by ECV
ECV.nSmooth.lowrankselecting tuning parameter for neighborhood smoothing...
ECV.Rankestimates optimal low rank model for a network
InformativeCoreidentify the informative core component of a network
LRBICselecting number of communities by asymptotic likelihood...
LSM.PGDestimates inner product latent space model by projected...
NCV.selectselecting block models by NCV
network.mixingestimates network connection probability by network mixing
network.mixing.Bfoldestimates network connection probability by network mixing...
NMIcalculates normalized mutual information
NSBM.estimateestimates nomination SBM parameters given community labels by...
NSBM.GenGenerates networks from nomination stochastic block model
nSmoothestimates probabilty matrix by neighborhood smoothing
randnet-packageStatistical modeling of random networks with model...
RDPG.Gengenerates random networks from random dot product graph model
reg.SPclusters nodes by regularized spectral clustering
reg.SSPdetects communities by regularized spherical spectral...
RightSCclusters nodes in a directed network by regularized spectral...
SBM.estimateestimates SBM parameters given community labels
Smooth.Oracleoracle smooth graphon estimation
USVTestimates the network probability matrix by the improved...
randnet documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:44 p.m.