Man pages for rando
Context Aware Random Numbers

as_functionConvert to function
blueprintBlueprint a Dataset
bp_whereBlueprint based on a condition
default_nFind the Default Value for n in Context
extract_dotsExtract the ellipsis inside a function
is_wholenumberCheck if a Number is Whole
logitThe logit and inverse logit functions
match.call2Alternate Parametrisation of ''
null_switchEvaluate Expressions until not NULL
rando-packageContext Aware Random Number Generation
r_bernGenerate Bernoulli Distributed Values
r_betaGenerate Beta Distributed Values
r_binomGenerate Binomial Distributed Values
r_cauchyGenerate Cauchy Distributed Values
r_cdfGenerate Random Numbers Based on an arbitrary CDF
r_chisqGenerate Chi-Squared Distributed Values
r_expGenerate Exponentially Distributed Values
r_fdistGenerate F Distributed Values
r_gammaGenerate Gamma Distributed Values
r_geomGenerate Geometric Distributed Values
r_hyperGenerate Hypergeometric Distributed Values
r_lettersGenerate Random Letters
r_lglGenerate Logical Values
r_lnormGenerate Log Normal Distributed Values
r_matrixGenerate a random Matrix
r_nbinomGenerate Negative Binomial Distributed Values
r_normGenerate Normally Distributed Values
r_poisGenerate Poisson Distributed Values
r_sampleGenerate Random Sample
r_tdistGenerate T Distributed Values
r_unifGenerate Uniformly Distributed Values
r_weibullGenerate Weibull Distributed Values
seedRandom Seed Defining Functions
set_nSet and Get the Default Value for n
rando documentation built on Feb. 16, 2021, 5:07 p.m.