logger: Log user events in shiny applications at Rapporteket

loggerR Documentation

Log user events in shiny applications at Rapporteket


To be used for logging at application level (i.e. when a shiny session is started) or at report level (i.e. each time a report is run). Logging of single report events should be made from reactive environments within the shiny server function or from within the (report) functions used by the same reactive environments.


  msg = "No message provided",
  .topcall = sys.call(-1),
  .topenv = parent.frame()

  msg = "No message provided",
  .topcall = sys.call(-1),
  .topenv = parent.frame()

  msg = "No message provided",
  .topenv = parent.frame()



Shiny session object to be used for getting user data. For testing and development purposes session can be replaced by list() in which case various config options might be used to provide something sensible.


String providing a user defined message to be added to the log record. Default value is 'No message provided'.


Parent call (if any) calling this function. Used to provide the function call with arguments. Default value is sys.call(-1).


Name of the parent environment calling this function. Used to provide package name (i.e. register) this function was called from. Default value is parent.frame().


String providing owner of an automated report. Its value should correspond to the actual user name as provided in a shiny session at Rapporteket. Only used for subscription reports that are run outside a shiny session.


String providing full name of the report owner. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


String providing registry name. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


String providing the organization id of the (subscription) report author. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


Character string defining the type of report. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session in which case its value will replace that of .topcall.


Character string naming the package of the function that is to be logged. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


Character string naming the function that should be logged. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


List of named function parameter. Only used for automated reports that are run outside a shiny session.


The below fields will be appended to the log, in the following order:

  1. time: date-time as event is logged as format(time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

  2. user: username as found in the shiny session object or as provided by function argument

  3. name: full name of user as found in the shiny session object

  4. group: users group membership as provided by the shiny session object. Normally, this will correspond to the registry the user belongs to

  5. role: users role as provided by the shiny session object. Its value will depend on whatever is delivered by the authorization provider, but for OpenQReg registries 'LU' (local user) and 'SC' (system coordinator) are typical values

  6. resh_id: the organization id of the current user as provided by the shiny session object, OR, when source of logging is auto reports, the organization ID of the data source used to make the report

  7. environment: environment from where the logger function was called (only provided by repLogger())

  8. call: function (with arguments) from where the logger was called (only provided by repLogger())

  9. message: an optional message defined as argument to the function

The autLogger() function is a special case to be used for automated reports. Since such reports are run outside a reactive (shiny) context shiny session data are not available to the logger. Hence, logging data must be provided as arguments directly. As of rapbase version 1.12.0 logging of automated reports are already taken care of. Hence, this function should not be applied per registry application.


Returns nothing but calls a logging appender


Pseudo code of how appLogger() may be implemented:


server <- function(input, output, session) {
  raplog::appLogger(session, msg = "Smerteregisteret: starting shiny app")

Pseudo code on how repLogger() can be implemented as part of a function in a reactive (shiny) context. First, this is an example of the shiny server function with the (reactive) function renderPlot() calling a function that provides a histogram:


server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$hist <- renderPlot({
    makeHist(data, var = input$var, bins = input$bins, session = session)

Then, logging is called within the function makeHist():

makeHist <- function(data, var, bins, ...) {

  if ("session" %in% names(list(...))) {
    raplog::repLogger(session = list(...)[["session"]],
                      msg = "Providing histogram")


# Depend on the environment variable R_RAP_CONFIG_PATH being set

# Depend on the environment variable R_RAP_CONFIG_PATH being set

# Depend on the environment variable R_RAP_CONFIG_PATH being set
try(autLogger(user = "ttester", registryName = "rapbase", reshId = "999999"))

rapbase documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8 p.m.