Man pages for rare
Linear Model with Tree-Based Lasso Regularization for Rare Features

data.dtmDocument-term matrix for adjectives in TripAdvisor hotel...
data.hcHierarchical clustering tree for adjectives in TripAdvisor...
data.ratingTripAdvisor hotel review ratings
find.leavesFind all descendant leaves of a node in an hclust tree
group.plotVisualize groups by coloring branches and leaves of an hclust...
group.recoverRecover aggregated groups of leaf indices
rarefitFit the rare feature selection model
rarefit.cvPerform K-fold cross validation
rarefit.predictMake predictions from a rarefit object and a
rare-packageModel path for tree-based lasso framework for selecting rare...
tree.matrixGenerate matrix A encoding ancestor-descendant relationships...
rare documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:17 p.m.