Man pages for rassta
Raster-Based Spatial Stratification Algorithms

dummiesCreate Dummy Layers from Categorical Raster Layers
enginePredictive Modeling Engine
figureReproduce Figures from Fuentes et al. (n.d.)
locationsSelect Representative Sampling Locations for Stratification...
observationSelect the Representative Response Observation for...
plot3DInteractive Maps of 3D surfaces
predict_functionsPredict Distribution Functions Across Geographic Space
select_functionsSelect Constrained Univariate Distribution Functions
signatureCalculate the Spatial Signature of Classification Units
similarityCalculate the Landscape Similarity to Stratification Units
som_gapSelf-Organizing Map and Selection of k
som_pamRasterization of Self-Organizing Map and Partitioning Around...
strataCreate Stratification Units
rassta documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.