dummies: Create Dummy Layers from Categorical Raster Layers

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dummiesR Documentation

Create Dummy Layers from Categorical Raster Layers


Given a SpatRaster whose cell values represent categories (e.g., soil types, land use/cover classes), a dummy layer indicating the presence/absence of each category is created, and optionally written on disk. Each category in the raster layer must be represented by a unique integer cell value. Output values indicating the presence or absence of categories in the dummy layers may be set using preval and absval arguments, respectively.


  vals = NULL,
  preval = 100,
  absval = 0,
  to.disk = FALSE,
  outdir = ".",
  extension = ".tif",



SpatRaster, as in rast. Single-layer SpatRaster whose (integer) cell values represent numeric IDs for categories.


Integer. Vector or sequence of values representing the categories for which dummy layers will be created. If NULL, all categories will be processed. Default: NULL


Integer. Value indicating presence of category. Default: 100


Integer. Value indicating absence of category. Default: 0


Boolean. Write output dummy layers to disk? Default: FALSE


Character. If to.disk = TRUE, string specifying the path for the output dummy raster layers. Default: "."


Character. If to.disk = TRUE, String specifying the extension for the output raster layers (see Details). Default: ".tif"


If to.disk = TRUE, additional arguments as for writeRaster.


This function mainly differs from segregate in that presence and absence values can be set arbitrarily, thus allowing for values other than those traditionally used in one-hot/dummy encoding (i.e., 1 and 0).

Please note that the argument extension does not correspond to the argument filetype in writeRaster. However, writeRaster should recognize the appropriate extension for the output raster layers from the extension argument. For instance, by setting extension = ".tif", writeRaster will recognize the extension as GeoTiff, which is the GDAL driver name.


Single-layer or multi-layer SpatRaster with dummy layer(s).

See Also


Other Miscellaneous Functions: figure(), plot3D()


p <- system.file("exdat", package = "rassta")
# Single-layer SpatRaster of geologic units
f <- list.files(path = p, pattern = "geology2.tif", full.names = TRUE)
geol <- terra::rast(f)
# Dummy layer from geologic unit 1
dums <- dummies(ca.rast = geol, vals = 1, preval = 100, absval = 0)

rassta documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.