
setGeneric("plot3D", function(x,...)

setMethod("plot3D", signature(x='RasterLayer'), 
          function(x, maxpixels=1e5, zfac=1, drape=NULL,
                   col=terrain.colors, at=100, rev=FALSE,
                   adjust=TRUE, ...) { 
              ## much of the below code was taken from example(surface3d) in the rgl package
              if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)){

                  x <- sampleRegular(x, size=maxpixels, asRaster=TRUE)
                  X <- raster::xFromCol(x,1:ncol(x))
                  Y <- raster::yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1)
                  Z <- t((raster::values(x, format='matrix'))[nrow(x):1,])
                  background <- min(Z, na.rm=TRUE) - 1
                  Z[is.na(Z)] <- background
                  zlim <- range(Z)
                  zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1
                  xlen <- max(X) - min(X)
                  ylen <- max(Y) - min(Y)
                  if (adjust) {
                      adj <- 4*zlen/min(ylen,xlen)
                      X <- X * adj
                      Y <- Y * adj
                  if (!is.null(drape)){
                      x <- sampleRegular(drape, size=maxpixels, asRaster=TRUE)
                      Zcol <- t((raster::values(x, format='matrix'))[nrow(x):1,])
                      background <- min(Zcol, na.rm=TRUE) - 1
                      Zcol[is.na(Zcol)] <- background
                      zlim <- range(Zcol)
                  } else {
                      Zcol <- Z
                  colorTable <- x@legend@colortable
                  if (useLegend & length(colorTable)>1) {
                      color <- colorTable
                  } else {
                      if (length(at)==1) at <- do.breaks(zlim, at)
                      if (rev) {
                          if (is.function(col)) {
                              col <- rev(col(length(at)))
                          } else {
                              col <- rev(col)
                      color <- level.colors(Zcol, at=at, col.regions=col)
                  ## Open a device only if there is none active
                  if (rgl::cur3d() == 0) rgl::open3d()
                  if (background==min(Zcol)) {
                      trans <- Zcol
                      trans[] <- 1.0
                      trans[Zcol==background] <- 0
                      rgl::surface3d(X, Y, Z*zfac, color=color, back="lines", alpha=trans, ...)
                  } else {
                      rgl::surface3d(X, Y, Z*zfac, color=color, back="lines", ...)
              } else stop("to use this function you need to install the 'rgl' package")

Try the rasterVis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rasterVis documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:25 p.m.