ratio_append_smallest: ratio_append_smallest

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/Ratios.R


The function appends for each row the smallest ratio DT1/DT2 in the column ratio_smallest. The name of the column which contained the smallest ratio is appended in the column ratio_smallest_Elem. This function is basically a sub-function for the function Correction.AdheringParticles.


ratio_append_smallest(Ratios, vars = NULL)



list, data.frame or data.table, which is the output after using the function ratioDT


optional, character vector of column names of DT1 and DT2, default is function select.VarsElements. Please make sure the columns given in vars are of class numeric.


list with [[1]] being the data set from the input with one column added containing the smallest ratio of all variables given in vars. If the input was a list with one element named "ratios_error" the returned list contains a second element [[2]] "ratios_error" also with the appended columns.


Solveig Pospiech

See Also

Other ratio functions: Correction.AdheringParticles, preparationDT2, ratioDT

ratios documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:29 p.m.