#' Retrieve raw R code from a kaggle notebook
#' @name r_bloggers
#' @usage r_bloggers(url, method, padding)
#' @param url Link to an R-bloggers article
#' @param method Not all websites are formatted consistently. To overcome this, try a different
#' method by setting the method
#' parameter to integers 2 and greater to try other available methods
#' @param padding Specify what goes between the last character of one code block and the
#' first character of the next code block. Default is a two new lines, which appears
#' visually as one new line between code blocks.
#' @return A character vector of length 1 containing the R code from the target url.
#' @import dplyr jsonlite xml2
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes html_text html_attr
#' @importFrom utils file.edit
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(dplyr)
#' paste0("",
#' "chart-race-in-r-mapping-united-states-city-population-1790-2010/") %>%
#' r_bloggers
#' # Same as above but provided to cat for easy viewing
#' paste0("",
#' "chart-race-in-r-mapping-united-states-city-population-1790-2010/") %>%
#' r_bloggers %>% cat
#' }
r_bloggers <- function(url, method, padding = "\n\n") {
url %>% read_html %>% html_nodes('.highlight') %>% html_text
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