
Defines functions acceptance_rate

Documented in acceptance_rate

#' @rdname acceptance_rate
#' @name acceptance_rate
#' @title Compute acceptance rate
#' @description
#' This function takes the provided \code{\link{libbi}} object which has been
#' run, or a bi file, and returns a the acceptance rate
#' @param ... parameters to \code{\link{get_traces}} (especially 'x')
#' @return acceptance rate
#' @importFrom rbi get_traces
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example_run <- rbi::bi_read(
#'   system.file(package = "rbi.helpers", "example_run.nc")
#' )
#' example_model_file <- system.file(package = "rbi", "PZ.bi")
#' example_bi <- rbi::attach_data(
#'   rbi::libbi(example_model_file), "output", example_run
#' )
#' acceptance_rate(example_bi)
#' @author Sebastian Funk
acceptance_rate <- function(...) {
  ## we use the same method as the rejectionRate function of the`coda` library
  ## (v. 0.10-7):
  ## Martyn Plummer, Nicky Best, Kate Cowles and Karen Vines (2006). CODA:
  ## Convergence Diagnosis and Output Analysis for MCMC, R News, vol 6,
  ## 7-11

  x <- get_traces(...)
  if (nrow(x) > 1) {
    acc_rate <- 1 -
      mean(apply(x[-nrow(x), , drop = FALSE] == x[-1, , drop = FALSE], 1, all))
  } else {
      "Cannot compute acceptance rate from just one sample. Try setting ",


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rbi.helpers documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:09 p.m.