Man pages for rbi
Interface to 'LibBi'

absolute_pathAbsolute Path
add_blockAdd a block to a LibBi model
assert_filesCheck that a LibBi wrapper has valid output
attach_dataAttach a new file or data set to a 'libbi' object
bi_contentsBi contents
bi_dim_lenNetCDF dimension length
bi_file_summaryNetCDF File Summary
bi_generate_datasetBi Generate Dataset
bi_modelBi Model
bi_openBi Open
bi_readBi Read
bi_writeCreate (e.g., init or observation) files for LibBi
check_sparse_varCheck if a variable is sparse
clean_modelStrip model code to its bare bones
create_coord_varCreate a coordinate variable
create_working_folderInternal function to create a temporary working folder
enable_outputsEnable outputting variables in a 'bi_model'
Equals.bi_modelCheck if two models are equal
Extract_assign.bi_modelSubset and replace model lines
Extract.bi_modelSubset model lines
extract_sampleExtract a sample from a 'LibBi' run.
filterUsing the LibBi wrapper to filter
find_blockFind a block in a LibBi model
fixFix noise term, state or parameter of a libbi model
flattenFlatten list of data frames This function takes a list of...
generate_datasetGenerate Dataset
get_blockGet the contents of a block in a LibBi model
get_constGet constants in a LibBi model
get_dimsGet dimensions in a LibBi model
get_nameGet the name of a bi model
get_tracesGet the parameter traces
insert_linesInsert lines in a LibBi model
installed_libbi_versionGet the LibBi version
is_emptyCheck if a model is empty
joinJoin multiple 'libbi' objects
libbiLibBi Wrapper
locate_libbiFind the libbi executable
logLikUsing the LibBi wrapper to logLik
optimiseUsing the LibBi wrapper to optimise
option_listConvert string to option list
option_stringConvert Options
predictUsing the LibBi wrapper to predict
printPrint the lines of a LibBi model
print_logPrint the log file a 'libbi' object
propose_priorPropose from the prior in a libbi model
read_libbiRead results of a 'LibBi' run from an RDS file or from a...
remove_linesRemove line(s) and/or block(s) in a libbi model
remove_varsRemove variables
replace_allReplace all instances of a string with another in a model
rewriteUsing the LibBi wrapper to rewrite
runUsing the LibBi wrapper to launch LibBi
sampleUsing the LibBi wrapper to sample
sample_obsSample observations from a LibBi model that has been run
save_libbiWrite results of a 'LibBi' run to an RDS file
set_nameSet the name of a bi model
simulateUsing the LibBi wrapper to simulate
summaryPrint summary information about a 'libbi' object
to_inputConvert variables into inputs
Unequals.bi_modelCheck if two models are unequal
updateUpdate a libbi object
var_namesGet variable names in a LibBi model
write_modelWrites a bi model to a file.
rbi documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 5:07 p.m.