Man pages for rbundler
Rbundler manages an application's dependencies systematically and repeatedly.

bundleBundles a package and it's dependencies into a library.
compare_versionsCompares the requested version to the available version using...
construct_r_libs_userConstructs a new R_LIBS_USER setting using the current...
create_mock_packagesCreates a series of mock packages, useful for testing and...
create_packageCreates a package matching the given description and...
create_package_descriptionA Utility function for creating rbundler scenarios.
dependency_clausesCreates the 'Depends:' clause by concatenating individual...
determine_version_to_installDetermines the version to install by comparing available...
find_available_versionsRetrieves a list of available versions for a package.
install_versionInstall specified version or relative version of a CRAN...
load_available_packagesLoads available packages from the given repository.
mock_dependencyCreates a mock dependency - corresponding to a real package -...
rbundlerA package dependency management utility.
read_archive_rdsLoads archive from CRAN-like repositories. Returns empty list...
update_current_environmentUpdates the current environment.
update_renviron_fileUpdates a .Renviron file in the given path.
validate_compareValidates the compare clause.
validate_installed_packageChecks whether a package has already been installed. If it...
rbundler documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:27 a.m.