rcrossref-defunct: Defunct functions in rcrossref

rcrossref-defunctR Documentation

Defunct functions in rcrossref


These functions are gone, no longer available.


  • cr_citation(): Crossref is trying to sunset their OpenURL API, which this function uses. So this function is now removed. See the function cr_cn(), which does the same things, but with more functionality, using the new Crossref API.

  • pmid2doi() and doi2pmid(): The API behind these functions is down for good, see id_converter() for similar functionality.

  • cr_search(): The functionality of this function can be achieved with the new Crossref API. See functions cr_works() et al.

  • cr_search_free(): The functionality of this function can be achieved with the new Crossref API. See functions cr_works() et al.

  • crosscite(): The functionality of this function can be achieved with cr_cn()

  • cr_fundref(): Crossref changed their name "fundref" to "funders", so we've changed our function, see cr_funders()

  • cr_ft_text(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • cr_ft_links(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • cr_ft_pdf(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • cr_ft_plain(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • cr_ft_text(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • cr_ft_xml(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • as.tdmurl(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

  • extract_xpdf(): This function and other text mining functions are incorporated in a new package crminer.

rcrossref documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:17 a.m.