
#' Create an Hexagonal Sticker for the Package

# install.packages(c("png", "ggplot2", "hexSticker", "grid", "ggpubr"))

rlogo <- png::readPNG(here::here("inst", "package-sticker", "logo.png"))
rlogo <- grid::rasterGrob(rlogo, interpolate = TRUE)

p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
  ggplot2::annotation_custom(rlogo, xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, 
                             ymax = Inf) +
  ggplot2::theme_void() +


  subplot   = p,
  package   = "rdeps",
  filename  = here::here("man", "figures", "logo.png"),
  dpi       = 600,

  p_size    = 35.0,         # Title
  u_size    =  8.0,         # URL
  p_family  = "Aller_Rg",

  p_color   = "#d65d0e",   # Title
  h_fill    = "#3c3836",   # Background
  h_color   = "#b57614",   # Border
  u_color   = "#d65d0e",   # URL

  p_x       = 1.00,        # Title
  p_y       = 0.60,        # Title
  s_x       = 1.00,        # Subplot
  s_y       = 1.25,        # Subplot

  s_width   = 1.25,        # Subplot
  s_height  = 1.25,        # Subplot

  url       = "",

  spotlight = TRUE,
  l_alpha   = 0.10,
  l_width   = 4,
  l_height  = 4

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rdeps documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:16 a.m.