
Defines functions d_solr_stats d_solr_mlt d_solr_highlight d_solr_group d_solr_facet d_solr_search dryad_fetch dryad_package_dois dryad_metadata dr_list_sets dr_list_metadata_formats dr_list_identifiers dr_list_records dr_identify dr_get_records handle2doi doi2handle `download_url` download_dryadmetadata search_dryad getalldryad_metadata

Documented in doi2handle download_dryadmetadata dr_get_records dr_identify dr_list_identifiers dr_list_metadata_formats dr_list_records dr_list_sets dryad_fetch dryad_metadata dryad_package_dois d_solr_facet d_solr_group d_solr_highlight d_solr_mlt d_solr_search d_solr_stats getalldryad_metadata handle2doi search_dryad

#' Download metadata for all Dryad oai's for defined time period
#' This function is defunct
#' @keywords internal
getalldryad_metadata <- function(...) {  # nocov start 
  .Defunct(msg = "This function is defunct. Use OAI-PMH via dr_*() functions or Solr based search via d_*() functions")

#' Search metadata for search terms using regex
#' This function is defunct
#' @keywords internal
search_dryad <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "This function is defunct. Use OAI-PMH via dr_*() functions or Solr based search via d_*() functions")

#' Download metadata for individual Dryad id's
#' This function changed name to [dr_get_records()]
#' @keywords internal
download_dryadmetadata <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "This function is defunct. Use dr_get_records()", 
    new = "dr_get_records", package = "rdryad")

#' Download url
#' This function changed name to [dryad_files]
#' @keywords internal
`download_url` <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(new = "dryad_files", package = "rdryad")

#' Get a Dryad DOI from a handle, and vice versa
#' These functions are defunct
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname doi2handle-defunct
#' @keywords internal
doi2handle <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`doi2handle()` is defunct")

#' @rdname doi2handle-defunct
#' @keywords internal
handle2doi <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`handle2doi()` is defunct")

#' Defunct OAI-PMH functions
#' @name oai-defunct
#' @details The Dryad OAI-PMH service is no longer being updated
#' See http://wiki.datadryad.org/Old:Dryad_API#OAI-PMH
#' Defunct functions:
#' - `dr_get_records`
#' - `dr_identify`
#' - `dr_list_records`
#' - `dr_list_identifiers`
#' - `dr_list_metadata_formats`
#' - `dr_list_sets`

#' Download metadata for individual Dryad id's
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_get_records <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_get_records()` is defunct")

#' Learn about the Dryad OAI-PMH service.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_identify <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_identify()` is defunct")

#' List Dryad records
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_list_records <- function(prefix = "oai_dc", from = NULL, until = NULL, 
  set = "hdl_10255_3", token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_list_records()` is defunct")

#' Gets OAI Dryad identifiers
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_list_identifiers <- function(prefix = "oai_dc", from = NULL, until = NULL,
  set = "hdl_10255_3", token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {

  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_list_identifiers()` is defunct")

#' Get available Dryad metadata formats
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_list_metadata_formats <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_list_metadata_formats()` is defunct")

#' List the sets in the Dryad metadata repository.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname oai-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dr_list_sets <- function(token = NULL, as = "df", ...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dr_list_sets()` is defunct")

#' Download Dryad file metadata
#' This function is defunct
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname dryad_metadata-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dryad_metadata <- function(doi, ...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dryad_metadata()` is defunct")

#' Get file DOIs for a Dryad package DOI
#' This function is defunct
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname dryad_package_dois-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dryad_package_dois <- function(doi, ...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "`dryad_package_dois()` is defunct")

#' Download Dryad files
#' This function is defunct
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname dryad_fetch-defunct
#' @keywords internal
dryad_fetch <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; see ?dryad for how to download files")

#' Defunct Solr functions
#' @name solr-defunct
#' @details The Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated
#' See http://wiki.datadryad.org/Old:Dryad_API#SOLR_search_access
#' Defunct functions:
#' - `d_solr_search`
#' - `d_solr_facet`
#' - `d_solr_group`
#' - `d_solr_highlight`
#' - `d_solr_mlt`
#' - `d_solr_stats`

#' Search the Dryad Solr endpoint
#' @param ... ignored
#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_search <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")

#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_facet <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")

#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_group <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")

#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_highlight <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")

#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_mlt <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")

#' @rdname solr-defunct
#' @keywords internal
d_solr_stats <- function(...) {
  .Defunct(msg = "defunct; the Dryad Solr service is no longer being updated")
} # nocov end

Try the rdryad package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rdryad documentation built on July 2, 2020, 3:13 a.m.