example_textgrid: Locate the path of an example textgrid file

View source: R/readtextgrid.R

example_textgridR Documentation

Locate the path of an example textgrid file


Locate the path of an example textgrid file


example_textgrid(which = 1)



index of the textgrid to load


This function is a wrapper over system.file() to locate the paths to bundled textgrids. These files are used to test or demonstrate functionality of the package.

Two files are included:

  1. "Mary_John_bell.TextGrid" - the default TextGrid created by Praat's Create TextGrid command. This file is saved as UTF-8 encoding.

  2. "utf_16_be.TextGrid" - a TextGrid with some IPA characters entered using Praat's IPA character selector. This file is saved with UTF-16 encoding.


Path of "Mary_John_bell.TextGrid" bundled with the readtextgrid package.

readtextgrid documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:26 a.m.