
#' @include imports.R

#' Unicode classes
#' Match ranges of unicode characters. In particular, you can match characters
#' from a particular language.
#' @param lo A non-negative integer. Minimum number of repeats, when grouped.
#' @param hi positive integer. Maximum number of repeats, when grouped.
#' @param char_class \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Should the values be wrapped
#' into a character class?
#' @return A character vector representing part or all of a regular expression.
#' @note Windows currently doesn't handle Unicode points with more than four
#' digits correctly. See 
#' \url{https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16098}
#' @references \url{http://www.unicode.org/charts} 
#' @seealso \code{\link[rebus.base]{ClassGroups}}
#' @name Unicode
#' @examples
#' # Classes
#' latin()
#' greek_and_coptic()
#' cyrillic()
#' arabic()
#' # With repetition
#' hebrew(3, 6)
#' hiragana(1, Inf)
#' katakana(0, Inf)
#' # Without a class wrapper
#' cjk_unified_ideographs(char_class = FALSE)
#' # Constants
#' \dontrun{
#' # All the Unicode characer classes
#' # Not run, since it generates lots of output
#' setdiff(
#'   ls("package:rebus.unicode", pattern = lower()), 
#'   ls(
#'     "package:rebus.unicode", 
#'     pattern = START %R% case_insensitive(or("up", "ugc", "unicode")))
#' )
#' }
#' # Usage
#' pythag <- "\u03b1^2 + \u03b2^2 = \u03b3^2"
#' stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(pythag, greek_and_coptic())

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
armenian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARMENIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
armenian_ligatures <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARMENIAN_LIGATURES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
caucasian_albanian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CAUCASIAN_ALBANIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cypriot_syllabary <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CYPRIOT_SYLLABARY, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cyrillic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CYRILLIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cyrillic_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cyrillic_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cyrillic_extended_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CYRILLIC_EXTENDED_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
elbasan <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ELBASAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
georgian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GEORGIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
georgian_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GEORGIAN_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
glagolitic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GLAGOLITIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
gothic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GOTHIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
greek_and_coptic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GREEK_AND_COPTIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
greek_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GREEK_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_1_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_1_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_c <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_C, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_d <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_D, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_e <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_E, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_extended_additional <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_EXTENDED_ADDITIONAL, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_ligatures <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_LIGATURES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
linear_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LINEAR_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
linear_b_syllabary <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LINEAR_B_SYLLABARY, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
linear_b_ideograms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LINEAR_B_IDEOGRAMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ogham <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OGHAM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_italic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_ITALIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_permic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_PERMIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
phaistos_disc <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PHAISTOS_DISC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
runic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(RUNIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
shavian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SHAVIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
duployan <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DUPLOYAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
shorthand_format_controls <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SHORTHAND_FORMAT_CONTROLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ipa_extensions <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(IPA_EXTENSIONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
phonetic_extensions <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
phonetic_extensions_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
modifier_tone_letters <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MODIFIER_TONE_LETTERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
spacing_modifier_letters <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SPACING_MODIFIER_LETTERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
superscripts_and_subscripts <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPERSCRIPTS_AND_SUBSCRIPTS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
combining_diacritic_marks <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMBINING_DIACRITIC_MARKS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
combining_diacritic_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMBINING_DIACRITIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
combining_diacritic_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMBINING_DIACRITIC_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
combining_half_marks <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMBINING_HALF_MARKS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bamun <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BAMUN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bamun_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BAMUN_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bassa_vah <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BASSA_VAH, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
coptic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COPTIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
coptic_epact_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COPTIC_EPACT_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
egyptian_hieroglyphs <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(EGYPTIAN_HIEROGLYPHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ethiopic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ETHIOPIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ethiopic_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ETHIOPIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ethiopic_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ethiopic_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ETHIOPIC_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mende_kikakui <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MENDE_KIKAKUI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
meroitic_cursive <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MEROITIC_CURSIVE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
meroitic_hieroglyphs <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MEROITIC_HIEROGLYPHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
nko <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(NKO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
osmanya <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OSMANYA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tifinagh <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TIFINAGH, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
vai <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(VAI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic_presentation_forms_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic_presentation_forms_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
imperial_aramaic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(IMPERIAL_ARAMAIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
avestan <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(AVESTAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
carian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CARIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cuneiform <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CUNEIFORM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cuneiform_numbers_and_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CUNEIFORM_NUMBERS_AND_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_persian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_PERSIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ugaritic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(UGARITIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hebrew <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HEBREW, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
lycian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LYCIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
lydian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LYDIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mandaic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MANDAIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
nabataean <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(NABATAEAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_north_arabian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_NORTH_ARABIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_south_arabian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_SOUTH_ARABIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
pahlavi_inscriptional <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PAHLAVI_INSCRIPTIONAL, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
pahlavi_psalter <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PAHLAVI_PSALTER, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
palmyrene <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PALMYRENE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
phoenician <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PHOENICIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
samaritan <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SAMARITAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
syriac <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SYRIAC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
manichaean <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MANICHAEAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mongolian <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MONGOLIAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
old_turkic <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OLD_TURKIC, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
phags_pa <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PHAGS_PA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tibetan <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TIBETAN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bengali_and_assamese <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BENGALI_AND_ASSAMESE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
brahmi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BRAHMI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
chakma <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CHAKMA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
devanagari <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DEVANAGARI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
devanagari_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DEVANAGARI_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
grantha <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GRANTHA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
gujarati <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GUJARATI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
gurmukhi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GURMUKHI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kaithi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KAITHI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kannada <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KANNADA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kharoshthi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KHAROSHTHI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
khojki <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KHOJKI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
khudawadi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KHUDAWADI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
lepcha <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LEPCHA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
limbu <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LIMBU, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mahajani <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MAHAJANI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
malayalam <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MALAYALAM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
meetei_mayek <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MEETEI_MAYEK, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
meetei_mayek_extensions <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MEETEI_MAYEK_EXTENSIONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
modi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MODI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mro <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MRO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ol_chiki <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OL_CHIKI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
oriya <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ORIYA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
saurashtra <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SAURASHTRA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sharada <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SHARADA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
siddham <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SIDDHAM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sinhala <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SINHALA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sinhala_archaic_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SINHALA_ARCHAIC_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sora_sompeng <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SORA_SOMPENG, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
syloti_nagri <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SYLOTI_NAGRI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
takri <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAKRI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tamil <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAMIL, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
telugu <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TELUGU, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
thaana <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(THAANA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tirhuta <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TIRHUTA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
vedic_extensions <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(VEDIC_EXTENSIONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
warang_citi <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(WARANG_CITI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cham <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CHAM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kayah_li <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KAYAH_LI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
khmer <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KHMER, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
khmer_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KHMER_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
lao <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LAO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
myanmar <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MYANMAR, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
myanmar_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MYANMAR_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
myanmar_extended_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MYANMAR_EXTENDED_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
new_tai_lue <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(NEW_TAI_LUE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
pahawh_hmong <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PAHAWH_HMONG, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
pau_cin_hau <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PAU_CIN_HAU, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tai_le <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAI_LE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tai_tham <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAI_THAM, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tai_viet <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAI_VIET, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
thai <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(THAI, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
balinese <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BALINESE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
batak <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BATAK, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
buginese <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BUGINESE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
buhid <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BUHID, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hanunoo <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANUNOO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
javanese <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(JAVANESE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
rejang <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(REJANG, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sundanese <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUNDANESE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sundanese_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUNDANESE_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tagalog <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAGALOG, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tagbanwa <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAGBANWA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bopomofo <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BOPOMOFO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
bopomofo_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BOPOMOFO_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_unified_ideographs <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_c <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_C, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_d <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_D, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_compatibility_ideographs <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_compatibility_ideographs_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kangxi_radicals <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KANGXI_RADICALS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kangxi_radicals_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KANGXI_RADICALS_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_strokes <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_STROKES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_ideographic_description_characters <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_IDEOGRAPHIC_DESCRIPTION_CHARACTERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hangul_jamo <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANGUL_JAMO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hangul_jamo_extended_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANGUL_JAMO_EXTENDED_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hangul_jamo_extended_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANGUL_JAMO_EXTENDED_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hangul_compatibility_jamo <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANGUL_COMPATIBILITY_JAMO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hangul_syllables <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HANGUL_SYLLABLES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
hiragana <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HIRAGANA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
katakana <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KATAKANA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
katakana_phonetic_extensions <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KATAKANA_PHONETIC_EXTENSIONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kana_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KANA_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
kanbun <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(KANBUN, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
lisu <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LISU, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
miao <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MIAO, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
yi_syllables <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(YI_SYLLABLES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
yi_radicals <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(YI_RADICALS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cherokee <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CHEROKEE, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
deseret <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DESERET, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
unified_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(UNIFIED_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL_SYLLABICS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
unified_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(UNIFIED_CANADIAN_ABORIGINAL_SYLLABICS_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
alphabetic_presentation_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ALPHABETIC_PRESENTATION_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
halfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
general_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GENERAL_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
latin_1_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LATIN_1_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
small_form_variants <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SMALL_FORM_VARIANTS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplemental_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTAL_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_symbols_and_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_compatibility_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_COMPATIBILITY_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
fullwidth_ascii_punctuation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(FULLWIDTH_ASCII_PUNCTUATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
vertical_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(VERTICAL_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
letterlike_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ancient_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ANCIENT_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mathematical_alphanumeric_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MATHEMATICAL_ALPHANUMERIC_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
arabic_mathematical_alphanumeric_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ARABIC_MATHEMATICAL_ALPHANUMERIC_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
enclosed_alphanumerics <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERICS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
enclosed_alphanumeric_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ENCLOSED_ALPHANUMERIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
enclosed_cjk_letters_and_months <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ENCLOSED_CJK_LETTERS_AND_MONTHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
enclosed_ideographic_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ENCLOSED_IDEOGRAPHIC_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
cjk_compatibility <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CJK_COMPATIBILITY, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
miscellaneous_technical <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MISCELLANEOUS_TECHNICAL, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
control_pictures <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CONTROL_PICTURES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
optical_character_recognition <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(OPTICAL_CHARACTER_RECOGNITION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
combining_diacritic_marks_for_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMBINING_DIACRITIC_MARKS_FOR_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
aegean_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(AEGEAN_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ancient_greek_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ANCIENT_GREEK_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
fullwidth_ascii_digits <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(FULLWIDTH_ASCII_DIGITS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
common_indic_number_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COMMON_INDIC_NUMBER_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
coptic_epact_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COPTIC_EPACT_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
counting_rod_numerals <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(COUNTING_ROD_NUMERALS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
number_forms <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(NUMBER_FORMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
rumi_numeral_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(RUMI_NUMERAL_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
sinhala_archaic_numbers <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SINHALA_ARCHAIC_NUMBERS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
math_arrows <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MATH_ARROWS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplemental_arrows_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplemental_arrows_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplemental_arrows_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
additional_arrows <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ADDITIONAL_ARROWS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplemental_mathematical_operators <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTAL_MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MISCELLANEOUS_MATHEMATICAL_SYMBOLS_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
floors_and_ceilings <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(FLOORS_AND_CEILINGS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
invisible_operators <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(INVISIBLE_OPERATORS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
geometric_shapes <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GEOMETRIC_SHAPES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
box_drawing <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BOX_DRAWING, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
block_elements <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BLOCK_ELEMENTS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
geometric_shapes_extended <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(GEOMETRIC_SHAPES_EXTENDED, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
alchemical_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ALCHEMICAL_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
braille_patterns <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BRAILLE_PATTERNS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
currency_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CURRENCY_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
dingbats <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DINGBATS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ornamental_dingbats <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ORNAMENTAL_DINGBATS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
emoticons <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(EMOTICONS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
chess_checkers_draughts <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CHESS_CHECKERS_DRAUGHTS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
domino_tiles <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(DOMINO_TILES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
japanese_chess <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(JAPANESE_CHESS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
mahjong_tiles <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MAHJONG_TILES, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
playing_cards <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PLAYING_CARDS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
card_suits <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(CARD_SUITS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
miscellaneous_symbols_and_pictographs <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MISCELLANEOUS_SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
musical_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(MUSICAL_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
ancient_greek_musical_notation <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(ANCIENT_GREEK_MUSICAL_NOTATION, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
byzantine_musical_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(BYZANTINE_MUSICAL_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
transport_and_map_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TRANSPORT_AND_MAP_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
yijing_mono_di_and_trigrams <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(YIJING_MONO_DI_AND_TRIGRAMS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
yijing_hexagram_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(YIJING_HEXAGRAM_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tai_xuan_jing_symbols <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAI_XUAN_JING_SYMBOLS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
specials <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SPECIALS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
tags <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(TAGS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
variation_selectors <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(VARIATION_SELECTORS, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
variation_selectors_supplement <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(VARIATION_SELECTORS_SUPPLEMENT, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
private_use_area <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(PRIVATE_USE_AREA, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplementary_private_use_area_a <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_A, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

#' @rdname Unicode
#' @export
supplementary_private_use_area_b <- function(lo, hi, char_class = TRUE)
  repeated(SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_B, lo, hi, char_class = char_class)

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rebus.unicode documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m.