Man pages for rebus
Build Regular Expressions in a Human Readable Way

AnchorsThe start or end of a string
as.regexConvert or test for regex objects
captureCapture a token, or not
CharacterClassesClass Constants
char_classA range or char_class of characters
ClassGroupsCharacter classes
ConcatenationCombine strings together
DateTimeDate-time regexes
escape_specialEscape special characters
exactlyMake a regex exact
format.regexPrint or format regex objects
get_weekdaysGet the days of the week or months of the year
IsoClassesISO 8601 date-time classes
literalTreat part of a regular expression literally
modify_modeApply mode modifiers
number_rangeGenerate a regular expression for a number range
rebusrebus: Regular Expression Builder, Um, Something
recursiveMake the regular expression recursive.
regexCreate a regex
repeatedRepeat values
ReplacementCaseForce the case of replacement values
romanRoman numerals
SpecialCharactersSpecial characters
UnicodeUnicode classes
UnicodeGeneralCategoryUnicode General Categories
UnicodeOperatorsUnicode Operators
UnicodePropertyUnicode Properties
whole_wordMatch a whole word
WordBoundariesWord boundaries
rebus documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:46 p.m.